Meet Alise: CodeNow Parent

“I’m teaching my students computer science and I wanted to find a way for my own son to be exposed to this field”

2 min readMay 3, 2018


The CodeNow Community

Name: Alise

Hometown: New York City

Occupation: Middle School Math & Computer Science Teacher

Tell us about your son

My son graduated from Staten Island Tech last year. He is now a freshman, studying Computer Science, at Stony Brook University.

How did he get started with coding?

His high school offered some basic computer science classes but he was taking so many AP courses that he wasn’t able to get into any of those classes because he was restricted with the number of classes that he can take.

I told my son that I was very disappointed because I’m teaching my students computer science and I wanted to find a way for my own son to be exposed to this field. He wasn’t too sure about it at first but I told him, “I know you and I know how your brain works. You will like it.” My son finally agreed to try it out and he applied to CodeNow on his own.

Jawad @ CodeNow’s 2016 workshop

What did your son think of coding?

He came home after the first day of the CodeNow workshop and told me how much he loved it. He was able to make a tic tac toe game, try out his program, and figure out his own mistakes. He was so excited about everything.

Has he continued coding since attending the workshop?

After the workshop, he was really inspired and even continued learning on his own. When it came time to apply for college, he wanted to major in Computer Science. I asked him whether he was certain about this choice because he hasn’t had that much exposure compared to other students who have taken yearlong AP Computer Science classes in high school. But he just said, “I know I’ll like, mom. I know I’ll like it.”

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