Meet Xin: CodeNow Summer Fellow

“CodeNow is Motivational”

2 min readJun 18, 2018


Meet Our Students

Name: Xin

Hometown: New York City

College: Rochester Institute of Technology

Major: Computer Science

Tell us about your CodeNow experience

CodeNow is motivational.

How did you get started with coding?

I got my first exposure to coding was through CodeNow’s weekend bootcamp during high school, along with an online resource called Codecademy.

Why did you want to learn how to code?

I played this game called Watchdogs when I was growing up and I thought the game was really cool because you got to hack stuff. So I thought to myself, why not learn how to code. If I can code, then I can hack. So, because of the game, I am now majoring in Computer Science.

Tell us about last summer’s fellowship

Last summer, I applied to CodeNow’s summer fellowship program and was picked as one of the final 6 to go to Michigan. I partnered with another fellow and taught a group of 6 high schoolers HTML, CSS, and Ruby on Rails.

What are you up to now?

I transferred to Rochester Institute of Technology about a week into the spring semester! Even though it’s painstakingly hard to make friends as a transfer student, I did get a chance to meet a fellow CodeNow student. Other than that, I‘ve pretty much been trying to focus solely on work, projects, and school this semester. In terms of internships, I interviewed with GitHub last year but unfortunately didn’t make the cut. However, I accepted an internship offer with JP Morgan & Chase this summer!

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