You Know You’re a Teen Computer Programmer When…

Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2018


1. You google even the smallest syntax errors

… but let’s be real, we google practically everything.

2. When you think you know everything thing about a programming language but you’re still looking for a problem to solve 🤔

Putting theory into practice can be a real pain, but finding a meaningful problem to solve and sometimes feel like 👇

3. Stack overflow is your bff 👯

It’s right up there with Google

4. Completing a “Hello World” tutorial made you feel like you’ve accomplished something significant in your life

We love celebrating the little wins 💪

5. You create seizure-inducing backgrounds for you website or apps

True story, brah. You should check out Day 2 of our workshop when students build their HTML/CSS prototypes. #GifGalore

But the best part about being a teen programmer is the community!

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