Replace your Resume with an Impressive GitHub Profile README.

Dipendra Neupane
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2023

You can add a README to your GitHub profile to tell others about yourself.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

As the name describes is the markdown document file that provides a brief description of the repository.

When utilized properly, the README file can be your new open-source resume.

Here is the one, I created last week with not much effort.

Or, you can access it from here

The most impressive thing for me about GitHub README is that we can configure it in such a way that, it fetches real-time data.

For me, I am only fetching my latest medium article links and GitHub stats and activities. There are a lot more options to do with this file but I wanted to make it clear and concise.

Wants to know, How I did it?


Hope you already have a GitHub account. If that’s true, GitHub will display your profile README on your profile page if everything below matches.

You have a public repository with a name that matches your GitHub account username.

You have a file on the root of your repository with the content to display.

Now it's only about how you want yourself to present to the tech world.

Add a cover image.

![Dipendra Neupane Github Cover Photo](

I have a cover image on my repository located inside the assets folder.

Add an about me section.

## Hi 👋 Dipendra here, 
I am a full-stack software engineer who specializes in backend-end development. I am working at [AeriTech LLC](

Want to know more about me? Check out my [LinkedIn Profile](

I love writing on Medium about full-stack software development.

✍️ Here is my [Medium Profile](

It's straightforward. I have some texts describing me and a few links that hyperlink to my LinkedIn and Medium profiles.

Add the latest blog posts section.

It comes a little bit tricky here because you want to see the latest posts dynamically regardless of the date.

Github action comes to the rescue for this. If it sounds unfamiliar, maybe my existing article about GitHub actions help you.

You can read this here.

First, add this section to your README file.

📩 Read my latest Blog Posts on Medium

Now we will be creating GitHub-hosted actions to dynamically identify the above content on the README file and inject it with the latest medium article.

The .yml file for GitHub actions looks like this.

name: Latest blog post workflow
schedule: # Run workflow automatically
# This will make it run every hour
- cron: '0 * * * *'
# Run workflow manually (without waiting for the cron to be called), through the Github Actions Workflow page directly
name: Update this repo's README with latest blog posts
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: gautamkrishnar/blog-post-workflow@master
# Replace this URL with your rss feed URL/s
feed_list: ""

You can keep everything as it is from the .yml file except the RSS feed. Replace that with your own blogging platform or username.

For medium, is where I can access my RSS feed.

Now you should be able to see the latest blog posts from your blogging platform to your GitHub profile.

Add a GitHub activity section.

### A quick display about my GitHub Activity

![Dipendra's GitHub stats](
[![Top Langs](](

Thanks to for making it really simple to showcase the GitHub stats and activities.

You can replace ‘dipneupane’ with your username and see the magic.

There are a lot more options and designs you can try by visiting the open-source project itself.

But keep in mind, our goal is to showcase our GitHub profile in the form of an online resume. So don’t flood it by integrating everything available.

Collecting everything described above. Here is my file.

![Dipendra Neupane Github Cover Photo](

## Hi 👋 Dipendra here,
I am a full-stack software engineer who specializes in backend-end development. I am working at [AeriTech LLC](

Want to know more about me? Check out my [LinkedIn Profile](

I love writing on Medium about full-stack software development.

✍️ Here is my [Medium Profile](

📩 Read my latest Blog Posts on Medium

### A quick display about my GitHub Activity

![Dipendra's GitHub stats]( [![Top Langs](](

Hope this helps you.

Thanks for passing by.



Dipendra Neupane
Editor for

Full-Stack Software Dev | When Dipendra isn't busy crafting code or captivating content, you can find him enjoying a good cup of americano or hitting the Gym.