Explore Elasticsearch ELK Stack Kibana Logstash Beats

Merwan Chinta
Published in
8 min readNov 10, 2023



The ELK stack is a set of three open-source tools: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, which work together to help users collect, store, search, analyze, and visualize large volumes of data, particularly log and event data.

Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine that is commonly used for log and event data analysis

Kibana is an open-source data visualization and exploration tool designed for Elasticsearch. Kibana is part of the Elastic Stack, which also includes Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Beats.

Logstash is an open-source, server-side data processing pipeline that ingests data from multiple sources, transforms it, and then sends it to your favorite “stash” (such as Elasticsearch) for storage and analysis.

Beats refer to a family of lightweight data shippers that can send data from different sources to Elasticsearch. Beats are designed to be easy to install, configure, and lightweight, making them suitable for various use cases, especially in the realm of log and event data collection.

Elasticsearch ELK stack (Filebeat, Logstash, Elastic and Kibana)
Image source: Created by Author

Explore Elasticsearch:


Kibana Key aspects

Data Visualization: Kibana allows users to create a variety of visualizations, such as bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and more, to help interpret and analyze data.

Dashboard Creation: Users can combine multiple visualizations into dashboards, providing a comprehensive and interactive view of their data. Dashboards can be customized to display real-time or historical data.

Search and Explore: Kibana provides a powerful search interface that allows users to explore and query their data stored in Elasticsearch indices. This is particularly useful for analyzing log and event data.

Log and Time-Series Analysis: Kibana is commonly used for log analysis and time-series data exploration. It’s widely employed in scenarios where large volumes of logs or time-stamped data need to be analyzed, such as in IT operations, security monitoring, and business analytics.

Elasticsearch Integration: Kibana is tightly integrated with Elasticsearch, making it easy to leverage the full-text search capabilities of Elasticsearch. It enables users to visualize and analyze data stored in Elasticsearch indices.

User-Friendly Interface: Kibana provides a user-friendly web-based interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. It supports drag-and-drop functionality for building visualizations and dashboards.

Real-Time Monitoring: Kibana allows users to monitor real-time data, making it valuable for scenarios where immediate insights into changing data are crucial, such as in system monitoring or network analysis.

Kibana finds applications in various domains, including:

IT Operations: for monitoring and troubleshooting system and application logs.

Security Analytics: for analyzing logs and events to detect and respond to security threats.

Business Intelligence: for visualizing and analyzing business data to make informed decisions.

Application Performance Monitoring: for tracking and analyzing the performance of applications.

Infrastructure Monitoring: for monitoring and managing the health and performance of infrastructure components.

Kibana Index pattern

Is a way to identify and specify the Elasticsearch indices that you want to explore and visualize. When you first set up Kibana or when you want to add a new index to your Kibana instance, you need to define an index pattern.

In Kibana, an index pattern is a way to identify and specify the Elasticsearch indices that you want to explore and visualize. When you first set up Kibana or when you want to add a new index to your Kibana instance, you need to define an index pattern.

Here’s how you typically set up an index pattern in Kibana:

  1. Access Kibana: Open your web browser and navigate to the Kibana web interface.
  2. Go to Management: In the Kibana interface, go to the “Management” tab, often represented by a gear or a wrench icon.
  3. Click on Index Patterns: Look for an option like “Index Patterns” in the Management menu, and click on it.
  4. Create Index Pattern: You’ll usually find a button or option to create a new index pattern. Click on it.
  5. Specify Index Pattern: In the index pattern creation wizard, you need to specify a pattern that matches the names of your Elasticsearch indices. The pattern can include wildcard characters such as asterisks (*). For example, if your indices are named log-2023-11-11 and log-2023-11-12, you might use the pattern log-*.
  6. Configure Time Filter: If your data includes a timestamp, Kibana may prompt you to configure a time filter for your index pattern. This is helpful for time-based data analysis.
  7. Complete Setup: Complete the setup process, and Kibana will now recognize and associate the specified index pattern with your Elasticsearch indices.
Image source: Created by Author in Kibana dashboard

Once we set up an index pattern, we can use Kibana to explore and visualize the data in the specified indices. It’s worth noting that Kibana relies on Elasticsearch mappings to understand the structure of the data in the indices, so ensuring that your indices have a consistent structure is important for effective use of Kibana.

Note that the specific steps and interface elements might vary slightly depending on the version of Kibana you are using, as the tool is regularly updated with new features and improvements.

Kibana Visualizations

Creating a dashboard with a pie chart, horizontal bar chart, and median of top speed by manufacturer in Kibana involves a few steps. Below is a general guide on how you can achieve this:

Go to the “Visualize” tab in Kibana.

a. Pie Chart:

  • Create a new visualization, choose the “Pie” chart type.
  • Choose your index pattern and specify the relevant fields. For example, you might want to visualize the distribution of vehicles by manufacturer.
  • Configure the slices and labels as needed.
  • Save the visualization.

b. Horizontal Bar Chart:

  • Create another new visualization, choose the “Horizontal Bar” chart type.
  • Use the same index pattern but select different fields. For example, you might want to visualize the average top speed by manufacturer.
  • Configure the X-axis and Y-axis accordingly.
  • Save the visualization.

c. Median Top Speed Visualization:

  • Go back to the “Visualize” tab and create a new visualization.
  • Choose a suitable chart type (e.g., Vertical Bar or Metric) and select your index pattern.
  • Use the created top_speed field in your visualization to show the median.
  • Save the visualization.
Image source: Created by Author with Kibana


Logstash is commonly used for log and event data processing. It can handle various types of data inputs, including logs from applications, system logs, and more. Logstash uses a plugin-based architecture, allowing users to extend its functionality to support different input sources, filters, and output destinations.

The typical workflow of Logstash involves the following stages:

  1. Input: Logstash collects data from various sources, such as log files, databases, and other systems.
  2. Filter: The data is then processed through filters to parse, enrich, and transform it. Filters can be applied to structure the data, remove or modify specific fields, and perform other operations.
  3. Output: After processing, Logstash sends the data to one or more output destinations. Common outputs include Elasticsearch for storage and indexing, but Logstash supports various other outputs like databases, messaging systems, and more.

Logstash helps organizations centralize their log data and make it more accessible for analysis and monitoring purposes. It is a crucial component in log management and data processing workflows, especially in environments where there is a need to handle and analyze large volumes of log and event data.

Logstash Key aspects

Here are a few more details and key aspects related to Logstash:

Configuration Language: Logstash configurations are written in a domain-specific language that is YAML-based. The configuration file defines the input, filter, and output plugins to be used, along with specific settings for each.

  1. Input Plugins: Logstash supports a wide range of input plugins, enabling it to pull data from various sources. Common input plugins include file input, Beats (a lightweight data shipper), syslog, HTTP, and more.
  2. Filter Plugins: Filters in Logstash are used to manipulate the data. There are numerous filter plugins available for parsing, transforming, and enriching data. For example, the grok filter is often used for pattern matching and extracting information from unstructured log data.
  3. Output Plugins: After processing, data is sent to one or more output plugins. Elasticsearch is a popular output destination, but Logstash can also output to other systems like databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL), messaging systems (e.g., Apache Kafka), and more.
  4. Extensibility: Logstash plugin-based architecture makes it highly extensible. Users can develop custom plugins to suit their specific needs, enabling integration with new data sources or destinations.
  5. Pipeline Processing: Logstash processes events through a pipeline. Each event is passed through the input stage, then through any defined filters, and finally to the output stage. The modular design allows for flexibility in configuring data processing workflows.
  6. Event-based Processing: Logstash operates on the concept of events, where an event is a piece of data that is passed through the pipeline. Each event has a timestamp, message, and optional fields. This event-based processing is crucial for handling log and event data effectively.
  7. Community and Documentation: Logstash has an active community of users and contributors. The official documentation provides comprehensive guidance on installation, configuration, and usage. Community forums and resources are available for users to seek help and share knowledge.
  8. Integration with Elastic Stack: Logstash is often used in conjunction with other components of the Elastic Stack, such as Elasticsearch for storage and search, and Kibana for data visualization and exploration. This combination provides a powerful solution for log management and analysis.

Logstash plays a vital role in the data pipeline of many organizations, helping them manage and analyze diverse sets of log and event data efficiently. It’s particularly valuable in environments where there’s a need for real-time data processing and analysis.


Beats Key aspects

There are different types of Beats, each designed for specific purposes:

  1. Filebeat: Used for forwarding and centralizing log data. It is typically used to ship log files.
  2. Metricbeat: Collects and ships various system and service metrics. It is useful for monitoring purposes.
  3. Packetbeat: Monitors network traffic in real-time and can be used to analyze application-level protocols.
  4. Winlogbeat: Specifically designed for Windows environments, it collects and ships Windows event logs.
  5. Heartbeat: Monitors the availability of services by sending regular pings.

These Beats can be used in conjunction with Logstash for additional data processing before sending it to Elasticsearch, or they can directly send data to Elasticsearch, which is the search and analytics engine. Kibana is then used for visualizing and analyzing the data stored in Elasticsearch.


ELK stack provides a comprehensive solution for managing and analyzing log and event data. It has become a go-to choice for organizations seeking efficient ways to gain insights, troubleshoot issues, and monitor their systems and applications in real time. Its open-source nature, flexibility, and powerful features make it a valuable tool for a wide range of industries and use cases.

I trust this information has been valuable to you. 🌟 Wishing you an enjoyable and enriching learning journey!

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Merwan Chinta

🚧 Roadblock Eliminator & Learning Advocate 🖥️ Software Architect 🚀 Efficiency & Performance Guide 🌐 Cloud Tech Specialist