Redis & .NET for Data Deduplication

Merwan Chinta
Published in
7 min readJun 1, 2024

Redis, although often used as a cache store, is a versatile data structure server and can efficiently handle tasks like data deduplication.

In this article, we’ll explore how Redis can be leveraged for data deduplication and walk through examples with C# to illustrate practical implementations.

What is Data Deduplication?

Data deduplication, often referred to as dedupe, is the process of eliminating duplicate copies of repeating data. This technique ensures that only one unique instance of data is retained, while redundant copies are replaced with references pointing back to the original data.

The primary goal of deduplication is to reduce the amount of storage needed and optimize data processing workflows.

Data Deduplication with REDIS and .NET — Image source: Created by Author

Use Cases for Data Deduplication

Here are some practical scenarios where data deduplication is beneficial:

  • Email Campaigns: Ensuring that users do not receive the same email multiple times.
  • ETL Processes: Preventing repetitive analysis of identical data during Extract, Transform, Load operations.
  • Unique User IDs: Guaranteeing that each user ID within a system is unique.
  • Alert Systems: Avoiding alert fatigue by filtering out duplicate alerts.
  • Fraud Detection: Reducing the computational cost of fraud detection by identifying and handling similar transactions efficiently.
  • Database Migrations: Ensuring no duplicate records are created when merging databases.
  • Customer Records: Maintaining a single, accurate record per customer in CRM systems.

Why Perform Deduplication If Validation Exists?

Even with User Interface applications / APIs, validations can be ensured to have unique emails during data entry, but still deduplication is necessary for several reasons:

  • Data Migrations: During data migrations or imports, duplicate records might be inadvertently created.
  • Inconsistent Data Entry: Users might bypass UI validation by directly accessing the database or through API endpoints.
  • Legacy Systems: Older systems might not have had strict validation, leading to accumulated duplicates.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Data from third-party integrations might contain duplicates that need to be filtered out.

Why Use Redis for Data Deduplication?

Redis is known for its in-memory data storage capabilities, which provide lightning-fast read and write operations. This makes Redis an excellent choice for real-time deduplication.

Redis supports various data structures such as sets and Bloom filters, which are ideal for handling deduplication tasks.

Redis Sets

A Redis set stores unique values, automatically eliminating duplicates. Sets are highly efficient for operations that require determining the presence of an item in a collection. However, as the number of unique values grows, the memory consumption of sets increases.

Bloom Filters

Bloom filters, provided by the Redis Probabilistic module, offer a memory-efficient alternative to sets. Unlike sets, Bloom filters use hash functions to store values and are capable of handling large data volumes with minimal memory usage. The tradeoff is the probabilistic nature of Bloom filters, which means they can produce false positives but never false negatives.

Here’s why Redis is an ideal choice for deduplication tasks:

High Performance

  • In-Memory Operations: Redis operates entirely in memory, ensuring extremely fast data access and manipulation.
  • Efficient Data Structures: Redis provides specialized data structures like sets and Bloom filters optimized for rapid operations.


  • Horizontal Scaling: Redis can be scaled horizontally with Redis Cluster, allowing distribution of the dataset across multiple nodes to handle large volumes of data efficiently.

Simplicity and Flexibility

  • Easy API: Redis offers a straightforward API, making it easy to integrate with existing applications.
  • Versatile Data Types: Redis supports various data types, allowing flexibility in how data is stored and manipulated.

Memory Efficiency

  • Bloom Filters: Redis’s Bloom filters are highly memory-efficient, using significantly less memory compared to traditional sets while providing fast membership checks with a low rate of false positives.

Real-Time Processing

  • Low Latency: Redis’s in-memory nature ensures low latency, making it suitable for real-time applications.
  • Pub/Sub Messaging: Redis supports publish/subscribe messaging, enabling real-time notifications and processing based on data changes.

Implementation: Deduplicating Customer Records in a CRM System

Let’s consider a use case where we need to deduplicate customer records in a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. We will use Redis sets for exact deduplication and Bloom filters for memory-efficient deduplication.

Setting Up Redis in .NET

First, ensure you have Redis installed and running. Install the StackExchange.Redis library in your .NET project:

dotnet add package StackExchange.Redis

Example: Deduplicating Customer Records Using Redis Sets

Here’s a example demonstrating how to use Redis sets to ensure each customer email is unique:

using StackExchange.Redis;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

public class CustomerDeduplication
private static ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");
private static IDatabase db = redis.GetDatabase();
private const string SetKey = "unique:customer:emails";

public static void LoadAndDeduplicateCustomers()
var existingCustomers = FetchCustomerEmailsFromDatabase();

foreach (var email in existingCustomers)


private static List<string> FetchCustomerEmailsFromDatabase()
// Simulating database fetch
return new List<string>
"", // Duplicate
"", // Duplicate

private static void AddCustomerEmail(string email)
bool isAdded = db.SetAdd(SetKey, email);
Console.WriteLine(isAdded ? $"Added {email} to the set." : $"{email} is already in the set.");

private static void ProcessUniqueEmails()
var uniqueEmails = db.SetMembers(SetKey);
foreach (var email in uniqueEmails)
Console.WriteLine($"Processing unique email: {email}");

public static void Main(string[] args)

Input data: (duplicate) (duplicate)

Expected Output

Added to the set.
Added to the set. is already in the set.
Added to the set. is already in the set.
Added to the set.

Processing unique email:
Processing unique email:
Processing unique email:
Processing unique email:

Explanation of the Code

  1. FetchCustomerEmailsFromDatabase: This method simulates fetching email addresses from a database. In a real-world scenario, this method would connect to an actual database and execute a query to retrieve the email addresses.
  2. AddCustomerEmail: This method adds each email to the Redis set. The SetAdd method ensures that only unique email addresses are added to the set. If an email is already present in the set, it is not added again, ensuring uniqueness.
  3. ProcessUniqueEmails: This method retrieves all unique email addresses from the Redis set and processes them. In this example, it simply prints each unique email to the console, but in an application, this could involve further processing or storage.

Example: Deduplicating Customer Records Using Bloom Filters

For this example, we assume you have the RedisBloom module installed and running. RedisBloom provides probabilistic data structures such as Bloom filters, which can be used to efficiently check for the existence of elements.

using StackExchange.Redis;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

public class CustomerDeduplicationBloom
private static ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");
private static IDatabase db = redis.GetDatabase();
private const string BloomFilterKey = "bloom:customer:emails";

public static void LoadAndDeduplicateCustomers()
var existingCustomers = FetchCustomerEmailsFromDatabase();

foreach (var email in existingCustomers)


private static List<string> FetchCustomerEmailsFromDatabase()
// Simulating database fetch
return new List<string>
"", // Duplicate
"", // Duplicate

private static void AddCustomerEmail(string email)
var result = db.Execute("BF.ADD", BloomFilterKey, email);
Console.WriteLine((bool)result ? $"Added {email} to the Bloom filter." : $"{email} might already be in the Bloom filter.");

private static void ProcessUniqueEmails(List<string> emails)
foreach (var email in emails)
var result = db.Execute("BF.EXISTS", BloomFilterKey, email);
if ((bool)result)
Console.WriteLine($"Processing unique email: {email}");
Console.WriteLine($"Email {email} is not unique.");

public static void Main(string[] args)

Input Data (duplicate) (duplicate)

Expected Output

Added to the Bloom filter.
Added to the Bloom filter. might already be in the Bloom filter.
Added to the Bloom filter. might already be in the Bloom filter.
Added to the Bloom filter.

Processing unique email:
Processing unique email:
Processing unique email:
Processing unique email:
Processing unique email:
Processing unique email:

Explanation of the Code

  1. FetchCustomerEmailsFromDatabase: This method simulates fetching email addresses from a database. In a real-world scenario, this method would connect to an actual database and execute a query to retrieve the email addresses.
  2. AddCustomerEmail: This method adds each email to the Bloom filter using the BF.ADD command. The Bloom filter will allow the email to be added if it’s likely not present already. If the email might already be present, it indicates that the email was previously added.
  3. ProcessUniqueEmails: This method checks each email in the list using the BF.EXISTS command to see if it might already be in the Bloom filter. It then processes the email based on the result.

Difference Between Redis Sets and Bloom Filters

Both structures serve the purpose of deduplication but are suited to different scenarios based on the trade-offs between memory usage and accuracy.

  • Memory Usage: Bloom filters are more memory-efficient than sets, especially for large datasets.
  • Accuracy: Sets provide exact deduplication, whereas Bloom filters may produce false positives.
  • Use Case: Use sets when exact deduplication is required and memory usage is not a primary concern. Use Bloom filters for large datasets where memory efficiency is crucial and occasional false positives are acceptable.

What to Explore Next

Now that you have a solid understanding of data deduplication with Redis sets and Bloom filters, here are some topics to further expand your knowledge:

Advanced Redis Data Structures:

  • Dive into other Redis data structures like sorted sets, hyperlog logs, and geospatial indexes to see how they can be used in various applications.

Performance Tuning in Redis:

  • Learn about techniques for optimizing Redis performance, including memory optimization, configuring persistence options, and fine-tuning Redis Cluster setups for high availability and scalability.

Combining Redis with Other Technologies:

  • Explore how Redis can be integrated with other databases and caching layers to build robust hybrid solutions, and see examples of using Redis with ASP.NET Core for high-performance web applications.

Redis Modules:

  • Investigate Redis modules like RedisJSON, RedisGraph, and RediSearch to extend the functionality of Redis and enable advanced data handling capabilities.

Data Consistency and Transactions in Redis:

  • Understand how to ensure data consistency in Redis using transactions with commands like MULTI, EXEC, and WATCH, and learn about the best practices for their usage.

Machine Learning and AI with Redis:

  • Explore how Redis can be used in conjunction with machine learning and AI frameworks, and learn about RedisAI for serving models and managing real-time inference workloads.

By exploring these topics, you will deepen your expertise in Redis and discover new ways to leverage its powerful features for a wide range of applications.

I trust this information has been valuable to you. 🌟 Wishing you an enjoyable and enriching learning journey!

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Merwan Chinta

🚧 Roadblock Eliminator & Learning Advocate 🖥️ Software Architect 🚀 Efficiency & Performance Guide 🌐 Cloud Tech Specialist