Why Kudos are important to our culture

Izabela Krzeminska
Published in
4 min readNov 20, 2019


The company retreat that took place just a couple of weeks ago, or actually what happened there one particular evening, made me reflect on why Kudos culture is so important at codequest.

If you’re wondering what happened, let me tell you. Every year during the team retreat Tomek, our CEO, gives a speech on the current situation at codequest, what is the direction of the company’s development and so on. This year he did not prepare the speech. Thankfully he is always ready to talk about the values we share at codequest. He was improvising, but he did it with all his heart, and it was truly touching. What happened next was a real chain reaction — there was a Kudos exchange we have never seen before ❤️.

So why Kudos culture is so important to us?


I sometimes talk to my fellow workers how they feel about working at codequest, and they admit that giving Kudos seemed awkward to them at first. It reminded them of a forced, corporate procedure. Over time and with the next TGIF meetings (TGIF it’s a company-wide weekly meeting to keep everyone on the same page, and this is also the time when we share Kudos ❤️) they realized that giving Kudos is not pushed by our company culture, but rather it flows from the need of giving appreciation and saying ‘thank you’ to one another. It builds up confidence in our new colleagues, and they start giving Kudos as well as everyone else.


Talking about what is important for us by giving Kudos increases the chances that our expectations and needs will be met. Isn’t it logical? Openness is one of our core values, and we truly believe that open communication pays off. If you know your job is appreciated, you will be more certain which behaviors and actions are encouraged and expected and you will be more likely to repeat them in the future.

Rooting down the values

Giving Kudos is an indirect way of talking about the values, thus the most essential things in our everyday life. And we do it every week, so it lets them ingrain in our minds. In fact, talking about the important stuff prevents it from being just empty words framed on a wall and makes it tangible.


I firmly believe that nowadays the most sought after virtue is empathy. This trait is something that the world desperately needs to go forward and avoid collapsing. Understanding other people’s needs and looking further than the tip of one’s nose can make us build a beautiful and healthy place on Earth. Not always we inherit empathy from our parents, rarely we learn it at school. OK, it’s an assumption based on my personal experience, rather than a fact supported by some scientific research 😉. Anyway, I believe there is always time to learn, even the essentials. Giving and receiving feedback lets us take into consideration other people’s perspective, and this is what empathy is, right? Becoming a better person at work? It sounds like a cliche. Maybe, but I guess there is something to it.

Employee recognition and motivation

Doesn’t recognition of our work done well make us feel good and our job meaningful? Of course it does! Surveys reveal that the youngest people on the labor market (Gen Y & Z) are paying more attention to non-financial aspects of work, i.e. the atmosphere in the company, the rules, ethics, and the satisfaction they get from what they do. They are more into doing something meaningful rather than caring about their salary or other down-to-earth issues. Kudos provide positive reinforcement, which encourages the receiver to repeat the action.

Instant feedback

Wouldn’t you want to receive constant feedback at work? To make your work the best you can, to improve and to be sure that you’re doing it right? I’m pretty sure you would. Kudos are a way of giving instant feedback. I know it’s only the good stuff, but according to the rule: “Praise in Public, Correct in Private” that’s the way it should be done. Leave the corrective feedback for the next face-to-face conversation and you’ll be all set.

Building one of a kind community

Last but not least, the ritual of giving Kudos makes our community feel a bit more unique. So-called NORMAL WORKING ATMOSPHERE is our motto and we contribute to it by saying ‘thank you’ on a regular basis. It’s not some kind of religious ceremony or an obligation. We do it from the need for appreciation of another person’s work and only from the bottom of our hearts. I guess it makes us feel closer to one another in a way and helps us build this one of a kind vibe we love.

How about you? Do you find Kudos as vital as we do? I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below 🙏.

