5 Common Mistakes When Learning to Code Online

Hashim Warren
Coder Foundry
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2019

There are a billion ways to learn how to code online

I mean that literally. A Google search pulls up 948,000,000 results for “learn to code online”

The number of choices are dizzying:

But with so many ways to learn, why is there still a skills gap for software development?

Why are companies still having a hard time finding people who know how to do the work?

We’ve had hundreds of people graduate and land jobs after Coder Foundry. And we’ve interviewed hundreds more during our admissions process.

Almost everyone who applies to our school tried to learn online first. And everyone got stuck.

The smartest ones got stuck. The hardest working got stuck.

Udacity, a site for learning to code online self-reports an abysmal 2% completion rate. Aspiring developers could get better results calling up a 100 tech companies and just asking for a job.

It’s not IQ or effort that makes learning to code online work or fail.

Instead, there are five common mistakes we’ve seen that sinks even the most promising future developers.

Sign up here ➡ Learn to Code Online by Avoiding These 5 Mistakes

Over the next two weeks we’ll send you 5 blog posts that detail the common problems with learning to code online.

Then we’ll offer simple solutions you can follow to finally break through and become a professional developer.

If you’ve tried Codeacademy, Udemy, Udacity, Treehouse, or even YouTube, but still feel unsure about your path to becoming a working Web Developer, I’m sure one of these tips will help make more progress and fast.

