Codersnorts, or, Why I decided to become a Coder.

Josh Carrico
The coderSnorts
Published in
1 min readFeb 13, 2015

I recently began a major career change and entered the mystical world of the Coders. There were many reasons for this, but chief among them was the fact that I married a Coder. To be clear, she wasn’t a Coder when I met her, she was a student studying Photojournalism and Russian. She wasn’t a Coder when I proposed to her, she was a student studying Convergence Journalism. But it was soon after that that the first signs of her becoming a Coder began to emerge. I would go to parties with her co-workers and my eyes would glaze over as they would laugh about something that clearly was not funny. I happen to be a very funny person and that clearly was not a joke. Why is everyone laughing? Did that lady just snort in laughter? At that “joke”? I must understand them. I must get some insight. I will know that I have made great strides in this industry when I, too, can make a non-joke and make someone at a party snort in laughter. This is my goal.

Oh, and also help the public with awesome coding on awesome projects. If only I can get my code to work…

