Watch people code in real time with

Szén János
The coderSnorts
Published in
1 min readMar 16, 2015 is a peer-to-peer live streaming platform for watching people code products live. They have taken the best from and its booming livestreaming function and applied it to one of the largest growing educational sectors in the world — learning how to code.

Jamie Green CO.FOUNDER

Streamers on are normally professional engineers, students and hobby coders.

The viewers can interact with them, watch them solve real problems and build products. They can enrich their skills, or learn coding from scratch in an interactive way.

This is how your screen looks like:

There are three difficulty levels: beginner, intermediate and expert. Languages that coders will use include HTML/CSS, PHP, Javascript, jQuery, Python, Ruby, JAVA, C++ and many more.

Professional developers looking to get involved can see how to get started here.

