I have moved over to Svbtle


Brett Cannon
Coder Who Says Py


While Medium’s WYSIWYG editor is rather nice, it just isn’t designed for code samples (e.g. there is no way to do <code> tags inline, only block-level <pre> tags). And for someone like me who writes code-heavy blog posts on occasion, it killed it for me.

Not to say Svbtle is perfect. While the Markdown support is great and even supports some GitHub Extensions (e.g. ```…``` code blocks), Svbtle doesn’t auto-save and the Google+ support isn’t as good so as to tie into Google+authorship. But the ability to simply use Markdown is enough to make me switch.

So the new blog is at http://nothingbutsnark.svbtle.com/ . I have emailed the Planet Python folks to update my feed, but I know they get quite busy so it might be a week before it gets updated. And for those of you who follow me on Google+ or Twitter, you should know that I have moved my ghost.io posts over to Svbtle as well.

