The combination of Docker, PostgreSQL and PostGraphile is your ultimate weapon to get your application database and a GraphQL API running… in few minutes.

6 min readJul 24, 2018

This project is available on my Github repository docker-postgresql-postgraphile.

A couple of month ago I saw the following video of Caleb Meredith giving an impressive demo of PostGraphile (formerly known as PostGraphQL). It basically shows how he built a simple PostgreSQL database and a GraphQL API in 7 minutes… Impressive!

So last week-end I finally decided to experiment with it as I would like to use it for a personal project. But I did not want to use Postgraphile by itself, I wanted to do it with Docker so that my project could be easily ported and ran everywhere. While doing so, I took care of documenting step by step what I was doing so that I could reuse it for myself as a tutorial.

I’m sharing it below with a big disclaimer… I had never used Docker, PostgreSQL nor PostGraphile before, so I figured out this could be useful to other noobs like me.

Note the following was done on a virtual machine running Linux Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. A the end of this tutorial, you will have a GraphQL API exposing data from a PostgreSQL database, both running locally on your machine in separate Docker containers.


Install Docker

Add the Docker repository to your Linux repository. Execute the following commands in a terminal window.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
$ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

Install Docker Community Edition.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce

Add your user to the docker group to setup permissions. Make sure to restart your machine after executing this command.

$ sudo usermod -a -G docker <username>

Test your Docker installation. Executing the following command will automatically download the hello-world Docker image if it does not exist and run it.

$ docker run hello-world

Remove the hello-world image once you're done.

$ docker image ls
$ docker rmi -f hello-world

Run PostgreSQL Docker image

The following command downloads a PostgreSQL docker image based on Alpine. Alpine is a minimal Linux distribution widely used for containers.

$ docker pull postgres:alpine

Run a Docker container using the postgres:alpine image. In order to preserve the database and data created in the container, the image must be run with the following parameters:

$ docker run --name psql -v /home/user/project/postgresql/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=1234 -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:alpine

Parameters description:

  • name: Name of the container. Value is psql in the example above but you can pick a name of your choice.
  • v: Volume, mapping between the project folder on your host machine and the PostgreSQL folder in your container, in format host_folder:container_folder. All the files generated in the container_folder will be copied in the host_folder so that you can preserve and retrieve your data when stopping/restarting the container. Replace the host folder by the destination of your choice. If it does not exist it will be automatically created.
  • e: Environment variables for the container. POSTGRES_PASSWORD sets the password of PostgreSQL superuser. Value is 1234 in the example above but you should pick a stronger password of your choice.
  • p: Port, mapping between the port of your host machine and the port of your container, in format host_port:container_port.
  • d: Run the container as a deamon.
  • postgres:alpine: Name of the Docker image to use to run the container.

Create PostgreSQL database

The database will contain two tables:

  • parent_table
  • child_table

There is a relationship between parent_table and child_table as one parent record can have one or several children records. It is a "one-to-many" relationship (one parent, many children). The parent_table_id column in the child_table will be used as a foreign key of the parent_table.

Data Model

Install psql client

Install the psql client to connect to the container running PostgreSQL. This will allow us to execute SQL statements on the container.

$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-client

Create database and tables

The following command opens a connection to the PostgreSQL container. When prompted for the password, type the value you used for the POSTGRES_PASSWORD parameter.

psql -h -p 5432 -U postgres

Parameters description:

  • h: Host, defaulted to since the container runs on your local machine.
  • p: Port, the port opened in the previous step is 5432 which is the default port for PostgreSQL.
  • U: User, the database superuser is postgres by default.

Execute the following SQL statements to create the database and tables:

CREATE DATABASE your_database;
\connect your_database;
CREATE SCHEMA your_schema;CREATE TABLE your_schema.parent_table (
name TEXT,
description TEXT,
COMMENT ON TABLE your_schema.parent_table IS
'Provide a description for your parent table.';
CREATE TABLE your_schema.child_table (
name TEXT,
description TEXT,
parent_table_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES your_schema.parent_table(id)
COMMENT ON TABLE your_schema.child_table IS
'Provide a description for your child table.';

Insert data

Execute the following SQL statements to populate the tables with some dummy data.

INSERT INTO your_schema.parent_table (name, description) VALUES
('Parent name 1', 'Parent description 1'),
('Parent name 2', 'Parent description 2'),
('Parent name 3', 'Parent description 3');
INSERT INTO your_schema.child_table (name, description, parent_table_id) VALUES
('Child name 1', 'Child description 1', 1),
('Child name 2', 'Child description 2', 2),
('Child name 3', 'Child description 3', 3);

Verify data was correctly inserted with the following SQL statement.

SELECT,, A.description,,, B.description
FROM your_schema.parent_table A
INNER JOIN your_schema.child_table B ON;

It should output the following data set.

id |     name      |     description      | id |     name     |     description     
1 | Parent name 1 | Parent description 1 | 1 | Child name 1 | Child description 1
2 | Parent name 2 | Parent description 2 | 2 | Child name 2 | Child description 2
3 | Parent name 3 | Parent description 3 | 3 | Child name 3 | Child description 3
(3 rows)

Exit psql by typing the command \q.

Run PostGraphile Docker image

The following command downloads a PostGraphile docker image.

$ docker pull graphile/postgraphile

In order to connect the PostGraphile container to the PostgreSQL container, the graphile/postgraphile image must be run with the following parameters:

$ docker run --name pgql -p 5000:5000 -d graphile/postgraphile --connection postgres://postgres:1234@host:5432/your_database --schema your_schema --watch

Parameters description:

  • name: Name of the container. Value is pgql in the example above but you can pick a name of your choice.
  • p: Port, mapping between the port of your host machine and the port of your container, in format host_port:container_port. In the command above the ports are both set to 5000.
  • d: Run the container as a deamon.
  • graphile/postgraphile: Name of the Docker image to use to run the container.
  • connection: Connection string to the PostgreSQL container and database, in format postgres://db_user:password@host:port/your_database. In the command above the values are set as below:
  • db_user: PostgreSQL superuser is postgres.
  • password: The value you used for the POSTGRES_PASSWORD parameter when running the postgres container.
  • host: IP address of your local machine where the postgres container is running. You can find it by typing ifconfig in a terminal window.
  • port: Port opened on the postgres container. The port opened in the previous step is 5432 which is the default port for PostgreSQL.
  • your_database: Name of the PostgreSQL database.
  • schema: Name of the schema in the PostgeSQL database.
  • watch: The watch flag automatically detects changes done to the database and reload the GraphiQL interface accordingly.

Test GraphQL API

Navigate to to visualize the API GraphiQL documentation. From there you can execute queries and mutations such as the examples below. The API endpoint itself is

Query example

query {
allParentTables {
nodes {
childTablesByParentTableId {
nodes {
GraphQL Query

Mutation example

mutation {
input: {
parentTable: {
name: "Parent name 4"
description: "Parent description 4"
) {
parentTable {
GraphQL Mutation


