3 Reasons to use Containers in your DevSecOps pipeline

Improve the performance and productivity of your DevSecOps pipeline using containers.

Alex Vazquez
Tech x Talent


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

DevSecOps is the new normal for deployments at scale in large enterprises to meet the pace required in digital business nowadays. These processes are orchestrated used a CI/CD orchestration tool that acts as the brain of this process. Usual tools for doing this job are Jenkins, Bamboo, AzureDevOps, GitLab, GitHub.

In the traditional approach, we have different worker servers doing stages of the DevOps process: Code, Build, Test, Deploy, and for each of them, we need a different kind of tools and utilities to do the job. For example, to get the code, we can need a git installed. To do the build, we can rely on maven or Gradle, and to test, we can use SonarQube and so on.

CI/CD Structure and the relationship between Orchestrator and Workers

So, in the end, we need a set of tools to perform successfully, and that also requires some management. In the new days, with the rise of cloud-native development and the container approach in the industry, this is also affecting the way that you develop your pipelines to introduce containers as part of the stage.



Alex Vazquez
Tech x Talent

PSG Senior Architect at TIBCO Software with a focus on Cloud Development, Event Processing and Enterprise Integration