Confident enough to face your interview?

Nimesha Jinarajadasa
Tech x Talent
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2020

I need to be very clear here before start writing this article that this a guide for any one who is going to face an interview but some points are mainly applied to software engineering professionals. This is from my recent experiences and hope worthy for you to spend 2 minutes.

Create an online CV

Use technology when it is possible. I recommend you to create a CV which is available online. no more pdfs/papers. Try to create your online CV which is really simple,clear and professional. I have used this and it worked, i guess.

Make a sticky note about the interview

Just after you received the call or email to confirm the interview dates, you need to make a sticky note on your laptop by putting all the information related to interview such as Date,time, things you need to bring and etc… This is a really important step. Because humans tend to forget things within 24hrs. So, it is always better you note all the details related to interview without calling or mailing HR time to time.

Go through all the points that you put on CV

You need to plan your available time before walk in to interview. Always, go through the information that you have put on the CV. Because, you do not want to think twice when the interviewer asked a point from your CV for further clarification.

Update your linkedin

I recommend you to update your linked in always and make sure its details tally with your CV. Do not make your interviewer confused by putting that your final year research project has done using python in linkedin but CV says it has done using Java libraries.

Answer questions to the point

While you are in the interview, always answer to the point. It doesn’t mean that you need to answer in 5–6 words. Just do not go around the bush. If you know the answer express it confidently without thinking twice. Always give examples and further clarifications. I should say this again, “Be Confident”. If you do not know the answer say “No” but give the reason why you are not aware about it. Maybe, you know something similar to that technology/library ( related to software engineers ) . So, interviewer knows that you are smart enough to get through. “Do Not Lie”

This is a very simple guide about how to face your interview. But it may valuable to you. Just go through and let me know if you have any new ideas/comments about this topic. If the article is valuable enough, please make an applause.



Nimesha Jinarajadasa
Tech x Talent

DevOps Engineer & Advocate @ KodeKloud(Singapore) | Former Senior Software Engineer @ IFS R&D Technology | Top Rated Plus Freelancer @Upwork | Moratuwa Uni Alum