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Phases of a startup
Working in a startup can be an exhilarating journey from the perspective of all that you experience, learn, build and gain.
The term startup refers to a company in the first stages of operations. Startups are founded by one or more entrepreneurs who want to develop a product or service for which they believe there is demand. These companies generally start with high costs and limited revenue, which is why they look for capital from a variety of sources such as venture capitalists.
Working at a startup
A startup being in the very early stages of building out a product or service, offers an unparalleled environment for career growth. Every employee, irrespective of their domain of work, learns a lot. The company’s sheer size means they are open to trying out the latest in technology, trending techniques of sales and marketing, unforeseen methods of product and service delivery, and above all, an undying willpower to succeed.
I can personally vouch for this when I jumped onto the startup ship after being in corporates for over a decade. When I joined my first startup, after having worked on hyper-scale platforms in telecommunications for over a decade, every day had surprises in store for me. It was…