Spyder: Python IDE for Absolute Beginners

Things like Installation, Main features, functionalities, and how to get help were explained in the simplest way possible.

Harish Maddukuri
Tech x Talent


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If you’re using some other platform for data analysis and visualization like Matlab and about to migrate to something similar which is more efficient and mainly which is free to use just like me, then Python with Spyder IDE is what you’re looking for.

What is Spyder?

Spyder is an IDE aimed at mainly scientific researchers, data analysts, or those involved in scientific package creation. Spyder’s developers have designed it to be the ideal tool for developing Python applications, and Spyder itself has been created using Python.

Spyder is released under an open-source license, MIT, and is a project that was also born thanks to Anaconda Inc. who supported it in the early days thus allowing its developers to evolve the project without worrying too much about development costs. Spyder is equipped with an extremely customizable user interface, with the possibility to set various types of layouts in order to adapt to the habits and preferences of the various developers.

Among its most interesting features, we can include a multi-language editor and practical…

