My Unforgetable Kids in CoderDojo Coimbatore

CoderDojo Volunteer Tarmac
1 min readAug 25, 2015

Hello!i’m sarangovindan.i’m a one of the member in coderdojo team.i would like to say about coderdojo coimbatore.Coderdojo is nothing but teaching childrens about html,python,c-program,c++ etc..,The childrens are interested to do.They learn properly and take notes while we teaching something and also they got some ideas.

The kids didn’t know what is python and html before they came to coderdojo session.After attending coderdojo session they know how to create webpage and how to write code in python.Now, they create one webpage and solve some program individually.

Last sunday,we was taught them c-program.we are planned teaching them basic c-program.But they learn basic programs within 1/2 hours.After teaching basic we ask some question and also gave them some program.Then our team members planed to teach advanced c-program.They are ready to learn but they take more time.Few students got output and called us to show output.After they got output our team members again ask them how solve this program.They explain us perfectly.

Our collage managing director Mr. Ashok Bakthavatsalam taught them c-program through cloudcoder tool.

