How to upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 with a free license by the PowerShell command

Published in
6 min readJan 13, 2020

You just need to Copy and press Enter. The update process will be completely automated.

Upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 with PowerShell command, extremely fast

Windows 7 will no longer be updated on January 14, 2020, this is the time for you to update to Windows 10. You can update from Windows 7 to Windows 10 by downloading the ISO file and clicking setup step by step display. If you don’t want to see the boring scene just clicking next forever, then you can use the PowerShell command to upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10. The update process will be completely automated. You just need to Copy and press Enter.

Now is the best time to upgrade your system to Windows 10, especially if you’re using Windows 7 and updating to Windows 10 you may get a free license. Only a super simple PowerShell script will make the upgrade easy.

Update Windows 7 to Windows 10 with the PowerShell command

This script only supports Windows 7 SP1, if you haven’t upgraded to SP1 then download the Microsoft update package.

Now click the Start button, type PowerShell, right-click and select Run as Administrator.

For security reasons, Windows will block certain PowerShell commands. You need to change some registry keys. In the PowerShell window, type the following command and Enter.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

On the notification screen, type: Y (Y upper case), press Enter.

You can now close the PowerShell window.

Create a script to upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10

You open notepad up, copy the script to update Windows 7 to Win 10 below, save the file: upgrade.ps1

Or you can Download file upgrade.ps1 which I upload to Google Drive to your computer.

$dir = “c:\temp”
mkdir $dir
$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$url = “"
$file = “$($dir)\Win10Upgrade.exe”
Start-Process -FilePath $file -ArgumentList “/quietinstall /skipeula /auto upgrade /copylogs $dir” -verb runas

Start the upgrade

Right-click the upgrade.ps1 file Select run as PowerShell.

Description how to run with PowerShell

You will see a PowerShell window informing you that Microsoft Windows is allowed to change your system. You do not need to care about that problem. Everything on the screen as if nothing has happened.

To know exactly how to upgrade Windows 10, you can open up Task Manager, through Tab Processes, you will see a process named Windows10UpgraderApp.exe running. Your system will automatically reboot when needed and the Windows 10 installation process itself, you don’t need to do anything else.

Task Manager

After the Windows 10 underground installation is complete, you will see a message similar to the one below:

Script update win7 to win 10 powershell

You need to click one or two more steps to access the Windows 10 Desktop. When accessing Windows 10, there will be 1 of what happens:

One is: all your data and applications will be in the original position. Because this is an upgrade from Windows 7, instead of performing a reinstall from the beginning).

Or: Maybe some programs will not work, because the program is compatible with Windows 10. You can find and install this software in another version. But most of the software that works on Windows 7 works on Windows 10.

Reset the PowerShell Execution policy

Remember, in the first step, did we allow file execution from PowerShell? Now turn it off for security. Open PowerShell as Administrator and enter the command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted
Turn off PowerShell

Windows 10 installed will be the latest version released by Microsoft, you do not need to Update more. If you want to install the necessary software, you should use chocolatey to install multiple software at the same time for fast.

How to use Chocolatey to install multiple software at the same time on Windows

Most Windows users do not pay much attention to how to install the software. Most people will download the EXE or MSI file, then click and click until Finish is done. But if you install a lot of software you will be quite a time consuming to download and click. There is a method of installing multiple software at the same time with just 1 command line with Chocolatey. This is a fairly easy method to install multiple software at the same time without having to open multiple windows.

Chocolatey is a software management solution unlike any you’ve ever experienced on Windows. Think of it like this — Chocolatey will automatically download the software you listed first, and automatically install the software on Windows, your task is to only press the Enter button once.

How to install

To install Chocolatey on Windows, simply copy the commands from the homepage. To get started, open the Administrator rights CMD.

Step 1: Click the Start button, type CMD, in the right pane select Run as Administrator.

Step 2: Next, copy the following command into the CMD window:

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command “iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(‘'))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin

You can also see the chocolatey installation details at Google.

Step 3: Wait a few seconds for the download and installation process to be done.

Step 4: If you do not encounter any errors, you can start using Chocolatey! Enter choco or choco -? to start using.

Install chocolatey style software

Once you have installed Chocolatey, you can use the command line to install other software. Open CMD Admin rights and type cinst [the name of the software you want to install]. If you want to install VLC, type:

Install VCL

When installing the software using Chocolatey, you will have to agree to the terms of software copyright. Then press Y to agree to start the installation.

The installation process will automatically take place, without showing any other windows. You also do not need to click each step. Go to the Desktop, you will see the VLC icon appear and can be used already.

Pretty easy right? But how to find out the correct package name you want to install. You can’t type Chrome or Google-Chrome and expect Chocolatey to find it.

To find the names of software to install, search the catalog of Chocolate packages. Most of this catalog is contributed by the community.

Or you can also search for software packages by command line:

choco search [package name to search]

Install multiple software at the same time with Chocolatey

Installing multiple software at once is the main feature of Chocolatey. When the Windows installation is complete, the first thing to do is to reinstall a closed software. You are quite tired of having to download each software and click next, next … Now we will automatically install the software using Chocolatey.

There are two ways to install multiple programs at once using Chocolatey. The first is to enter multiple arguments into the command line. If you want to install VLC, GIMP and Firefox, type:

cinst vlc gimp Firefox

However, if you have too many software installed at once, it is better to create an XML file that has the .config file extension and format the following:

<?xml version=”1.0" encoding=”utf-8"?>
<package id=”UTorrent” />
<package id=”notepadplusplus” />
<package id=”IrfanView” />

That XML file structure can include as many programs as you want and maybe even from alternative sources other than Chocolate’s community data source.

Uninstall, update much software at the same time

Not only can you install multiple software at the same time, but you can also uninstall and update software at the same time.

Updating the programs installed via Chocolatey is also simple. Enter the cup [program name] in the CMD Administrator's permission. For example, to update VLC enter:

cup vlc

You can also update all your programs by typing cup all. If your package is using an alternative source other than the primary Chocolatey feed, you can enter:

cup [package name] –source [source URL]

Uninstalling (uninstalling) a package is a bit different. Going back to the AnonyViet example you would type the following to uninstall vlc, TeamViewer:

choco uninstall vlc teamviewer

Thank you for reading my article.



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Always be nice to anybody who has access to my toothbrush.