Flexbox vs. Grid: A Comprehensive Comparison of CSS Layout Modules

Umur Alpay
Published in
10 min readMay 9, 2023

This story is originally published at https://coderesult.com/blog/flexbox-vs-grid-a-comprehensive-comparison-of-css-layout-modules/

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on CSS layout modules, where we delve into an in-depth comparison of CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid. Whether you are a seasoned web developer, a student of web design, or just a curious tech enthusiast, this blog post aims to give you a clear understanding of these two powerful tools in the CSS toolbox.

Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, is a language used to describe the look and formatting of a document written in HTML or XML. It is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript. Over the years, CSS has evolved to offer more flexible and efficient ways to layout, align, and distribute space among elements within a container, even when their sizes are unknown or dynamic.

Two of these methods, Flexbox and Grid, have transformed the way we design web layouts, enabling developers to create complex designs with greater ease and control. But each comes with its own set of features and use cases. In the following sections, we’ll explore what each of these layout models offers, their key differences and similarities, and how to decide which one to use based on your specific needs.

So, whether you’re gearing up for a new web development project or just looking to expand your knowledge of CSS, read on as we explore the world of Flexbox and Grid.

Understanding CSS Flexbox

The CSS Flexible Box Layout, commonly known as Flexbox, is a one-dimensional layout model that allows you to manage the layout of a container’s children in a way that’s responsive and fluid. It’s particularly useful when you’re dealing with dynamic or unknown sizes, as you often are when designing for different screen sizes and devices.

Key Features and Uses of Flexbox

Flexbox provides a way to control the direction, alignment, order, and size of boxes within a container. Its main features include:

  1. Direction control: Flexbox allows you to layout items in a container along a main axis (either a row or a column). This makes it easy to switch from a horizontal layout to a vertical layout, or vice versa.
  2. Flexible widths and heights: With Flexbox, you can easily make items in a container resize to fill the available space. This is particularly useful for responsive design.
  3. Alignment and justification: Flexbox provides properties to align and justify items along both the main axis and the cross axis.
  4. Ordering and orientation: Flexbox allows you to control the order in which items appear in the container, regardless of their order in the HTML. This is especially useful when you want to change the visual presentation of your content without changing the HTML markup.

Flexbox is particularly well-suited for components of an application or small-scale layouts, such as navigation bars, form controls, or even laying out items in a gallery.

Example of a Flexbox Layout

Here’s a simple example of how you might use Flexbox to create a responsive navigation bar:

.nav {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
.nav-item {
flex: 1;

In this example, the display: flex; property turns the .nav element into a flex container, and the justify-content: space-between; property evenly distributes the space between the navigation items. The flex: 1; property on the .nav-item elements make them all equally flexible, allowing them to grow and shrink to fill the available space.

Understanding CSS Grid

CSS Grid Layout, commonly known as Grid, is a two-dimensional layout system for the web. It allows you to manage both rows and columns at the same time, which makes it a powerful tool for creating complex web layouts.

Key Features and Uses of Grid

Grid offers a variety of features that make it suitable for large-scale and intricate web layouts:

  1. Two-dimensional control: Unlike Flexbox, which works in one dimension at a time (either rows or columns), Grid allows you to work with rows and columns simultaneously. This makes it ideal for creating two-dimensional layouts.
  2. Grid lines and areas: With Grid, you can place items based on grid lines, or you can define grid areas and place items into them. This level of control makes it possible to create complex, responsive layouts with less CSS.
  3. Control over overlapping content: Grid allows elements to overlap, providing control over which item appears on top with z-index.
  4. Alignment and justification: Just like Flexbox, Grid also provides a way to align and justify items, but on two axes instead of one.

CSS Grid is perfect for laying out web pages, as it’s designed to handle more complex, two-dimensional layouts that need to be controlled on both axes.

Example of a Grid Layout

Here’s a simple example of how you might use Grid to create a responsive photo gallery:

.gallery {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr));
grid-gap: 1rem;
.photo {
width: 100%;
height: auto;

In this example, the display: grid; property turns the .gallery element into a grid container. The grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr)); property creates as many columns as can fit into the space, each one at least 200px wide. The grid-gap: 1rem; property adds some space between the photos. The .photo elements will then fill the available grid cells, and adjust their size depending on the width of the viewport.

Differences between CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid

While Flexbox and Grid are both powerful tools for managing the layout of web content, they have distinct features and are designed for different types of tasks. Understanding these differences is crucial when deciding which one to use for a particular project.


One of the most fundamental differences between Flexbox and Grid is the dimension they operate in. Flexbox is essentially a one-dimensional layout model, designed for laying out items along a single row or column. This makes it ideal for distributing a set of items along a line, like in a navigation bar or a set of form controls.

On the other hand, Grid is a two-dimensional layout model that can handle both rows and columns simultaneously. This makes it a powerful tool for creating complex, two-dimensional layouts, such as entire webpage layouts, intricate image galleries, or multi-dimensional data tables.

Content vs. Layout

Another key difference lies in the primary use case for each of these tools. Flexbox is typically used for layout within a component, where the size of the elements is often dynamic or unknown. It’s great for creating responsive elements that can adapt to different screen sizes or amounts of content.

Grid, however, is designed to create the larger layout structure of a page. It excels at dividing up the page into major regions or defining the relationship in terms of size, position, and layering between parts of a designed UI. Grid is also perfect for lining up elements in both dimensions, something Flexbox can’t handle on its own.

Positioning Control

Grid provides a higher level of control over the positioning of items. You can place items precisely where you want them to go, and they will stay there, regardless of the other content around them. With Flexbox, items push each other around within a container based on their size.

Direction Dependency

Flexbox layout is direction-dependent, which means the layout changes when the direction (row or column) changes. With Grid, you can rearrange content without worrying about the source order, and its direction-independent.

While both Flexbox and Grid offer powerful tools for web layout, they each have their strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these will help you decide which one to use for your specific layout needs.

Similarities between CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid

Despite their differences, CSS Flexbox and Grid also have a number of similarities. Both of these layout models were designed to give developers more control over the layout and alignment of page elements, and they share several common features:

Control over Alignment

Both Flexbox and Grid provide a high level of control over the alignment of items along both the horizontal and vertical axes. They both use a similar set of alignment properties, including justify-content, align-items, align-self, and align-content.


Both Flexbox and Grid are designed with responsiveness in mind, allowing you to create layouts that adapt to different screen sizes, resolutions, and orientations. They both allow you to create fluid layouts where items can grow and shrink to fill the available space.

Handling of White Space

Both layout models provide sophisticated ways to manage white space and alignment, even when the sizes of the items or the container are unknown or dynamic. This means you can create clean, flexible layouts without having to resort to hacks or workarounds.

Container-Based Layout

Both Flexbox and Grid are container-based layout models. This means that you start by declaring a container as either a flex container or a grid container, and the items within that container automatically become flex items or grid items. This approach allows you to control the layout of multiple items from the parent container, rather than having to manage each item individually.

In conclusion, while Flexbox and Grid have their own unique features and use cases, they also share several similarities. Both are powerful tools for creating responsive, flexible layouts, and they often complement each other in larger design systems.

Comparison of CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid through Case Studies

To better understand the differences and similarities between Flexbox and Grid, let’s explore a couple of real-world use cases:

Case Study 1: Navigation Bar

Let’s consider a navigation bar at the top of a webpage. We want the navigation items to be evenly spaced and to adjust to the width of the viewport.

Using Flexbox: Flexbox is a perfect fit for this use case. By setting the container to display: flex and using justify-content: space-between, we can easily distribute the navigation items evenly, regardless of the width of the viewport. Flexbox's one-dimensional nature makes it ideal for managing a row of items.

Using Grid: While it’s possible to achieve the same effect with Grid by setting display: grid and using grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr)), it would be overkill for this kind of simple, one-dimensional layout. The extra features of Grid wouldn't provide any advantage, and the code could be more complicated than it needs to be.

Case Study 2: Photo Gallery

Now, let’s consider a photo gallery with a responsive number of columns based on the width of the viewport.

Using Flexbox: While Flexbox can wrap items onto multiple lines with flex-wrap: wrap, it lacks the ability to align and justify items in the cross axis the way Grid can. The images would need to be the same height to align neatly, which might not always be feasible depending on the images.

Using Grid: Grid is a great fit for this use case, as it allows you to create a flexible number of columns with grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr)) and automatically places items into the next available cell. The images will line up neatly, regardless of their individual heights, creating a more polished final result.

These case studies illustrate how the choice between Flexbox and Grid often depends on the specifics of what you’re trying to achieve. While there are often multiple ways to achieve the same result, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each layout model can help you choose the most efficient and effective solution.

Making the Choice: Flexbox or Grid?

With an understanding of both Flexbox and Grid, you might be wondering: when should I use one over the other? The decision largely comes down to the layout task at hand.

Here are a few factors to consider when choosing between Flexbox and Grid:

Layout Dimensionality

Consider whether your layout is one-dimensional (dealing with rows or columns alone) or two-dimensional (dealing with rows and columns at the same time). Use Flexbox for one-dimensional layouts, like navigation bars or linear content lists. Use Grid for two-dimensional layouts, such as grids of cards, image galleries, or complex page layouts.

Content or Layout Driven

If you’re working on a layout that’s determined by the content (like a dynamic list of items), Flexbox may be the better choice. It excels at distributing space and aligning items within a container when the size of the content isn’t known in advance.

If you’re creating a layout where you want to place items in specific areas or have more control over the alignment, especially in two dimensions, Grid is the way to go.

Source Order and Display Order

If you need to maintain the source order of your HTML in your layout, Flexbox can be a great choice. However, if you want the freedom to move elements around in your layout without affecting the HTML structure, Grid’s ability to place items anywhere on the grid regardless of their HTML source order is a powerful tool.

Browser Support

As of my knowledge, both Flexbox and Grid have wide browser support, including in all modern browsers. However, if you need to support very old browsers, Flexbox has slightly better support, especially when it comes to Internet Explorer.

Ultimately, Flexbox and Grid aren’t mutually exclusive. In fact, they can work well together. A common pattern is to use Grid for major page layout, and then use Flexbox for smaller components within that layout. It’s all about choosing the right tool for the job.


CSS Flexbox and Grid are two powerful tools in the toolbox of web developers. Both provide robust and flexible ways to create responsive, dynamic layouts on the web.

Flexbox, with its one-dimensional capabilities, shines when aligning and distributing space among items within a container, especially when their size is unknown or dynamic. It’s fantastic for elements like navigation bars or aligning elements within headers and footers.

On the other hand, CSS Grid excels at handling two-dimensional layouts, allowing for precise placement and alignment of elements in both rows and columns. It’s perfect for creating complex web layouts, like multi-column pages or intricate galleries.

While there are certain scenarios where one might be more suitable than the other, remember that Flexbox and Grid are not mutually exclusive. They can be used together in the same layout to leverage the strengths of both, providing a robust solution for complex design needs.

So, the next time you’re faced with a layout challenge, consider your needs and constraints, and reach for the tool that suits your situation best, whether it’s Flexbox, Grid, or a combination of both. Happy coding!

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