Mastering JavaScript in 2023: A Deep Dive into Call, Bind, and Apply

Umur Alpay
Published in
9 min readJun 27, 2023

As we move forward into 2023, JavaScript continues to be a driving force in web development, powering interactive and dynamic content on countless websites. As a JavaScript developer, mastering the intricate parts of this powerful language is key to writing efficient, clean, and modular code.

In this guide, we will embark on a comprehensive exploration of three of JavaScript’s most essential, yet often misunderstood methods: call(), bind(), and apply(). These are not just function methods, they serve as the backbone of function invocation in JavaScript, giving us the power to borrow methods, and link 'this' to a particular object, among other use cases.

Whether you are a JavaScript novice seeking to strengthen your knowledge base, or a seasoned coder looking to revisit these core concepts, this deep dive will equip you with a refreshed understanding of these methods. You’ll learn their syntax, when to use them, how they fit into modern JavaScript (ES6 and beyond), and much more.

Understanding Function Invocation in JavaScript

To fully grasp the essence of call(), bind(), and apply() methods, it's pivotal to first understand how function invocation works in JavaScript. In JavaScript, invoking or calling a function merely requires appending parentheses () to a function reference. Sounds straightforward? Well, here comes the twist.

When a function is invoked, an important but hidden argument is also passed to the function — the context (this). The value of this depends on how the function is called, not where it is declared or how it is defined. This unique characteristic of JavaScript is both powerful and potentially confusing.

Consider the following function:

function greet() {

let person = {
name: 'John',
greet: greet
let anotherPerson = {
name: 'Jane'
person.greet(); // logs 'John'

In the above code, the same function greet is invoked in two different contexts. When called as person.greet(), this inside the greet function points to person object, hence corresponds to 'John'.; // logs 'Jane'

In this case, using the call() method, we explicitly set this to anotherPerson, so corresponds to 'Jane'.

It’s also important to note that in JavaScript, functions are objects too. This is why functions can have properties and methods — call(), bind(), and apply() being prime examples.

Exploring Call Method

The call() method is a powerful tool in JavaScript that allows us to invoke a function directly by passing in the this value and arguments separately. This means you can determine the context within which a function runs, irrespective of where it was originally defined. Let's consider a simple example:

function greet() {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}`);

let person = {
name: 'John',
};; // logs 'Hello, my name is John'

In the example above, the call() method invokes the greet function and sets the value of this inside the function to the person object.

The call() method can also pass additional arguments to the function. These arguments follow the this value and are passed to the function in the order they are given. Here's how this works:

function introduce(city, country) {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${} and I live in ${city}, ${country}`);

let person = {
name: 'John',
};, 'New York', 'USA'); // logs 'Hello, my name is John and I live in New York, USA'

In this snippet, we passed ‘New York’ and ‘USA’ as arguments to the introduce function using the call() method.

The call() method is incredibly versatile. It allows us to borrow methods from objects, invoke functions immediately with a specified context, and pass multiple arguments.

Working with the Bind Method

While the call() and apply() methods invoke a function immediately, the bind() method works a little differently. Instead of executing the function right away, it creates a new function, binds the this value to the provided object, and then returns the new function for later invocation. This is especially useful when we need a function with a preset context.

Let’s see how bind() works in practice:

function greet() {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}`);

let person = {
name: 'John',
let boundGreet = greet.bind(person);
boundGreet(); // logs 'Hello, my name is John'

In the above code, we created a new function boundGreet using bind(). This new function, when called, has its this value set to person. Despite bind() not invoking the function immediately, it's still capable of passing additional arguments to the function. These arguments can be passed during the binding process or during the invocation of the bound function.

function introduce(city, country) {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${} and I live in ${city}, ${country}`);

let person = {
name: 'John',
let boundIntroduce = introduce.bind(person, 'New York');
boundIntroduce('USA'); // logs 'Hello, my name is John and I live in New York, USA'

In this snippet, ‘New York’ is passed in during the binding process and ‘USA’ is passed in when calling the bound function.

The bind() method is extremely valuable when working with event handlers and listeners, asynchronous programming with callbacks, or anytime you need a function to be invoked later with a specific context. With the power to control the execution context, JavaScript developers can write more predictable and robust code.

Demystifying the Apply Method

The apply() method, similar to call(), allows us to invoke a function, setting the this context to the object we specify. The fundamental difference between apply() and call() is how they handle additional arguments that we pass into the function. While call() accepts an argument list, apply() takes in an array of arguments.

Let’s see how the apply() method works:

function introduce(city, country) {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${} and I live in ${city}, ${country}`);

let person = {
name: 'John',
introduce.apply(person, ['New York', 'USA']); // logs 'Hello, my name is John and I live in New York, USA'

In this code snippet, we use apply() to call the introduce function, setting this to person and passing the arguments as an array.

apply() is especially useful when you don't know the number of arguments your function will need upfront or if you want to pass an array of data to a function expecting arguments.

An interesting use case for apply() is when finding the maximum or minimum of an array of numbers:

let numbers = [5, 6, 2, 3, 7];
let max = Math.max.apply(null, numbers);
console.log(max); // logs 7

The Math.max function doesn't accept an array, but with apply(), we can pass our array and find the maximum number.

Just like call() and bind(), understanding apply() will give you deeper insight into JavaScript's function invocation and provide more tools to handle function execution context effectively.

When to Use Call, Bind, and Apply

Knowing how to control the execution context of JavaScript functions is vital, and understanding when to use call(), bind(), and apply() can significantly enhance your code design. Each method has its specific use cases based on how you need to manipulate the this keyword and arguments.

  1. Use call() When You Need to Borrow Methods: call() is incredibly useful when you need to use a method from one object inside another object’s context. The Array methods such as slice, splice, or push, which aren't naturally available on Array-like objects (like arguments or NodeList), can be invoked with call():
let argsToArray = function() {
  1. Use bind() to Create New Function with Bound Context and Arguments: bind() is particularly useful when you want to create a new function with a preset context and arguments. This is often used in event handlers and callbacks, where you want to preserve the context:
let button = {
content: 'Click me',
click: function(handler) {
let btn = document.createElement('button');
btn.innerHTML = this.content;
btn.addEventListener('click', handler.bind(this));
} { console.log(this.content) });
  1. Use apply() to Call Function with Array-like Arguments: When you have an array or array-like object and need to use it as multiple arguments for a function, apply() is your best bet:
let numbers = [5, 1, 7, 4, 2];
console.log(Math.max.apply(null, numbers)); //logs 7

In summary, understanding call(), bind(), and apply() is not only essential for mastering JavaScript, but they are also powerful tools in your JavaScript toolkit. By allowing you to control the context and arguments of your functions, you gain more control over how your code behaves, leading to cleaner, more modular, and flexible code.

Call, Bind, and Apply in Modern JavaScript (ES6 and Beyond)

The landscape of JavaScript has evolved significantly with the advent of ES6 and later versions, bringing new features that simplify how we can control the function context and manipulate arguments. Even though call(), bind(), and apply() remain relevant and widely used, it's essential to understand modern alternatives like arrow functions, rest parameters, and the spread operator.

  1. Arrow Functions: Arrow functions, introduced in ES6, don’t have their own this context. They inherit it from the parent scope, which is useful in scenarios where bind() was previously used to maintain context:
let button = {
content: 'Click me',
click: function(handler) {
let btn = document.createElement('button');
btn.innerHTML = this.content;
btn.addEventListener('click', () => handler());
} { console.log(this.content) });
  1. Rest Parameters and Spread Operator: Rest parameters (...args) and the spread operator (...) provide a more straightforward way to handle function arguments, reducing the need for apply():
let numbers = [5, 1, 7, 4, 2];
console.log(Math.max(...numbers)); //logs 7

In functions, rest parameters capture the remaining arguments, providing a cleaner alternative to the arguments object:

let showArguments = (...args) => console.log(args);

Despite these modern alternatives, call(), bind(), and apply() are still essential tools. They offer more flexibility in some scenarios, like method borrowing or when you need to explicitly control the context. Understanding them and their modern counterparts helps you write more readable and efficient JavaScript code, maintaining your skills current and effective in 2023 and beyond.

Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

As you incorporate call(), bind(), and apply() into your JavaScript toolkit, it's essential to keep in mind certain best practices and avoid common pitfalls to write robust and maintainable code.

Be mindful of the this context: The behavior of this is a frequent source of confusion in JavaScript. Always remember that this inside a function refers to the object that is currently executing that function (except for arrow functions, where this is determined lexically). Unintended changes to this can lead to hard-to-find bugs.

Avoid overusing bind(): While bind() is a powerful tool, overusing it can lead to code that is difficult to read and maintain. If you find yourself repeatedly using bind() to manage this context, it might be a sign that you should refactor your code. Consider using arrow functions, as they provide lexical scoping of this.

Recognize the difference between call() and apply(): Despite their similarities, call() and apply() serve different purposes. call() is best when you know the number of arguments your function needs, while apply() shines when you're working with an array of arguments or the arguments object.

Use apply() with care: apply() can be particularly memory intensive when used with a large array of arguments, as it will create a new array in memory. If you're working with a large dataset, consider alternatives such as breaking the data up into smaller pieces.

Prefer explicit context over implicit: When dealing with function context, it’s generally better to be explicit. It makes your code easier to read and debug. If a function relies heavily on this, consider passing in the relevant data as parameters instead.

Mastering call(), bind(), and apply() allows you to handle function context with precision, resulting in more robust, versatile, and efficient code. However, like any powerful tool, they come with their own set of challenges and should be used judiciously and thoughtfully.

The depth and versatility of JavaScript as a language is wonderfully demonstrated in its native methods like call(), bind(), and apply(). These methods provide us with fine-grained control over the this context, a concept that often bewilders developers. With the understanding of these methods, we can write code that is not only more expressive and adaptable but also takes full advantage of the dynamic nature of JavaScript.

In our exploration, we’ve delved into how each method works, the appropriate scenarios for their use, their role in modern JavaScript development, and how to avoid common pitfalls associated with their usage. The idea is to incorporate them into your JavaScript practice judiciously, always being aware of how this context is handled.

As we continue to evolve with JavaScript, the importance of deeply understanding its fundamentals cannot be overstated. call(), bind(), and apply() may not be everyday tools, but the concepts they encompass touch upon the heart of the language. By mastering these methods, you have not only gained a specific set of skills, but you have also come closer to understanding the core of JavaScript itself.

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