Linux Kernel Basics

Amay B
Published in
6 min readJan 9, 2024

The Linux kernel is the core of the Linux operating system. It is responsible for managing the hardware resources of the computer, such as the CPU, memory, and storage, and providing a set of fundamental services to user applications. The kernel is responsible for scheduling processes, managing memory, handling interrupts, and providing a file system.

Role and Responsibilities of the Kernel

The Linux kernel is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Process Management: The kernel creates and manages processes, which are the basic unit of execution in a computer system. The kernel is responsible for scheduling processes to run on the CPU, allocating memory to processes, and terminating processes when they are finished.
  • Memory Management: The kernel manages the computer’s memory, which is a critical resource for running programs. The kernel is responsible for allocating memory to processes, keeping track of which parts of memory are being used, and reclaiming memory when it is no longer needed.
  • Device Management: The kernel manages the computer’s hardware devices, such as the keyboard, mouse, and network card. The kernel provides a uniform interface to these devices, so that applications can access them without having to know the specific details of each device.
  • File System Management: The kernel manages the computer’s file system, which is a way of organizing and storing data on a storage device. The kernel provides a set of system calls that allow applications to read and write files, create and delete directories, and perform other file system operations.

History and Evolution of the Linux Kernel

The Linux kernel was originally created by Linus Torvalds in 1991. Torvalds was a student at the University of Helsinki in Finland, and he was dissatisfied with the existing operating systems available at the time. He decided to create his own operating system, which he called Linux.

The Linux kernel has evolved significantly since its early days. It has been ported to a wide variety of hardware platforms, and it has been adopted by a large number of users. The Linux kernel is now one of the most popular operating system kernels in the world.

Kernel Architecture and Design Principles

Monolithic vs. Microkernel Design

There are two main types of kernel architectures: monolithic and microkernel.

  • Monolithic Kernel: A monolithic kernel is a single, large program that contains all of the operating system’s functionality. The Linux kernel is a monolithic kernel.
  • Microkernel: A microkernel is a small kernel that provides only the most essential operating system services, such as process management and memory management. The rest of the operating system’s functionality is provided by user-mode programs.

Layered Architecture of the Linux Kernel

The Linux kernel is a layered architecture, which means that it is divided into a number of layers. Each layer provides a set of services to the layers above it. The following are some of the most important layers in the Linux kernel:

  • Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL): The HAL provides a uniform interface to the computer’s hardware. This allows the kernel to run on a variety of different hardware platforms without having to be rewritten for each platform.
  • Kernel Core: The kernel core provides the basic operating system services, such as process management, memory management, and device management.
  • File System Layer: The file system layer provides a uniform interface to the computer’s file systems. This allows applications to access files without having to know the specific details of the file system.
  • Network Layer: The network layer provides a set of protocols for communicating with other computers over a network.

Kernel Modules and Loadable Kernel Modules (LKMs)

Kernel modules are pieces of code that can be loaded into the kernel at runtime. This allows the kernel to be extended with new functionality without having to recompile the entire kernel. Loadable kernel modules (LKMs) are a type of kernel module that can be loaded and unloaded at runtime.

Process Management and Scheduling

The Linux kernel is responsible for managing processes, which are the basic unit of execution in a computer system. The kernel is responsible for scheduling processes to run on the CPU, allocating memory to processes, and terminating processes when they are finished.

The Linux kernel uses a preemptive scheduling algorithm, which means that the kernel can interrupt a running process and give the CPU to another process that is ready to run. This ensures that all processes get a fair share of the CPU time.

Memory Management and Virtual Memory

The Linux kernel is responsible for managing the computer’s memory, which is a critical resource for running programs. The kernel is responsible for allocating memory to processes, keeping track of which parts of memory are being used, and reclaiming memory when it is no longer needed.

The Linux kernel uses a virtual memory system, which allows processes to use more memory than is physically available on the computer. This is done by dividing the memory into pages, and then swapping pages in and out of physical memory as needed.

Filesystems and Device Drivers

The Linux kernel manages the computer’s file system, which is a way of organizing and storing data on a storage device. The kernel provides a set of system calls that allow applications to read and write files, create and delete directories, and perform other file system operations.

The Linux kernel also provides a set of device drivers, which are programs that allow the kernel to communicate with hardware devices. Device drivers are responsible for translating commands from the kernel into a form that the hardware device can understand.

Kernel Internals and Key Components

System Calls and Kernel Interfaces

System calls are the interface between user applications and the kernel. System calls allow applications to request services from the kernel, such as reading and writing files, creating and deleting processes, and allocating memory.

The Linux kernel provides a wide variety of system calls, which are listed in the man pages.

Process Control Blocks (PCBs) and Task Structures

Process control blocks (PCBs) are data structures that contain information about processes. PCBs include information such as the process’s state, its memory usage, and its open files.

In Linux, PCBs are called task structures. Task structures are allocated when a process is created, and they are freed when the process is terminated.

Interrupts and Interrupt Handling

Interrupts are signals from hardware devices that indicate that an event has occurred. The kernel is responsible for handling interrupts and taking appropriate action.

The Linux kernel uses a variety of interrupt handling mechanisms, including:

  • Hardware Interrupts: Hardware interrupts are generated by hardware devices. When a hardware interrupt occurs, the CPU stops executing the current program and jumps to a special location in memory called the interrupt vector table. The interrupt vector table contains a list of interrupt handlers, which are functions that are responsible for handling specific interrupts.
  • Software Interrupts: Software interrupts are generated by software programs. Software interrupts are used to request services from the kernel.

Kernel Synchronization Primitives (Mutexes, Semaphores, Spinlocks)

Kernel synchronization primitives are used to synchronize access to shared resources in the kernel. The most common kernel synchronization primitives are:

  • Mutexes: Mutexes are used to protect critical sections of code. A critical section is a section of code that must be executed by only one process at a time.
  • Semaphores: Semaphores are used to control access to shared resources. A semaphore is a counter that is incremented when a resource is acquired and decremented when a resource is released.
  • Spinlocks: Spinlocks are used to protect short critical sections of code. Spinlocks are acquired and released very quickly, so they are often used in situations where performance is critical.

Kernel Timers and Work Queues

Kernel timers are used to schedule events to occur at a specific time in the future. Kernel work queues are used to defer the execution of tasks until a later time.

Kernel Debugging and Profiling Tools

The Linux kernel provides a number of tools for debugging and profiling the kernel. These tools include:

  • Kernel Debugging Tools: Kernel debugging tools allow developers to debug the kernel while it is running. These tools include the gdb debugger and the kprobe tool.
  • Kernel Profiling Tools: Kernel profiling tools allow developers to measure the performance of the kernel. These tools include the perf tool and the oprofile tool.

Kernel Configuration and Compilation

The Linux kernel can be configured with a variety of options. These options can be used to enable or disable features, change the behavior of the kernel, and optimize the kernel for specific hardware platforms.

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