Production grade api with Rocket & Rust

Amay B
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2023
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

You’ll need to install Rust and the Rocket framework.

curl -sSf | sh

Then install Rocket:

cargo install rocket

Create a new Rocket project:

rocket new my-project

This will create a Cargo.toml and src/ Cargo.toml contains project metadata and dependencies. src/ contains your Rocket app.

2. Handling Requests

Define routes with the route attribute:

fn say_hello(name: String) -> String {
format!("Hello, {}!", name)

This will match GET requests to /hello/<name> and extract the name parameter.

You can also have POST requests:

#[post("/posts", format = "application/json", data = "<new_post>")]
fn create_post(new_post: Json<Post>) -> Json<Post> {
// Create post

Use request guards to validate requests, access request data like query parameters, forms, and JSON.

3. Responding

Return strings, JSON, or templates:

fn index() -> Template {
Template::render("index", ...) // Load a Twig template

fn posts() -> Json<Vec<Post>> {
let posts = ...; // Load list of posts from DB

Set status codes and headers:

fn not_found() -> status::NotFound<String> {
status::NotFound("Nothing found".into())

fn create_post(post: Json<Post>) -> (status::Created, json::Json<Post>) {

Redirect with status::SeeOther:

fn old_route() -> status::SeeOther { 

4. State management

Rocket gives you managed state to store database pools, caches, etc. You can access these in your routes:

fn list_posts(db: State<DbConn>) -> Json<Vec<Post>> {
let posts =|c| c.load_posts()).unwrap();

You can use databases like Diesel or rusqlite and cache with r2d2. Cookies and sessions can be managed with rocket_contrib.

5. Deployment

Build a release with cargo build --release. Host on AWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean, etc. Configure Rocket for production with:

port = 8000
workers = 4
secret_key = "my_secret_key"

Set up health checks and logging.

6. Testing

Unit test with Rust’s std::test:

fn test_say_hello() {
assert_eq!(say_hello("John"), "Hello, John!");

Integration test with Rocket:

fn test_list_posts() {
let client = Client::new(App::new().manage(MockDb::new())).unwrap();
let response = client.get("/posts").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.body_string(), "[]");

Property based testing with proptest. Mock external services.

7. Additional topics

Authentication with JWTs or sessions, authorization, file uploading, CORS, rate limiting, async/await, and more!

