Sandcastle: Funny story about rust

Amay B
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2023
Photo by Jaime Spaniol on Unsplash

Came across from random source:

Once upon a time little Cindy wanted to build a sandcastle on the beach. But the tide kept coming in and destroying parts of her beautiful castle!

She asked her friend Rusty for help, who was skilled at making strong sandcastles that could withstand the tides. Rusty designed individual modular buckets that could be linked together to build the castle.

To keep the buckets sturdy, Rusty used an extra-strong type of sand called Ownership Sand that sticks together really well. But this sand had a rule — each bucket could only use sand owned by that bucket alone.

When Cindy wanted to connect two buckets, Rusty used a special technique called Borrowing to let the buckets temporarily use each other’s sand securely. For extra stability, Rusty used Lifetime Sand in key buckets, which maintained the castle’s shape even if some buckets were removed.

Whenever waves crashed against the castle, the modular buckets prevented any damage from spreading. The Ownership Sand kept things structurally sound overall. By using clever tools like Borrowing, Lifetime Sand and modular components, Rusty helped Cindy build a sandcastle that stood tall against the tides!

Cindy learned that with some planning, cross-collaboration and smart techniques, you could create stable systems using Rust.

