100+ Python Projects with Source Code

106 Python Projects with Source Code: Solved and Explained for free.

Aman Kharwal
Coders Camp
3 min readApr 9, 2021


Python is one of the best programming languages. Due to its readability and beginner-friendly nature, it has been accepted by industries around the world. So to master Python for any field you have to work on projects. In this article, I will introduce you to the best Python projects with source code.

Python Projects with Source Code

Python Projects For Beginners:

If you’re a newbie to Python where you’ve just learned lists, tuples, dictionaries, and some basic Python modules like the random module, here are some Python projects with source code for beginners for you:

  1. Defang IP Address
  2. Count Character Occurrences
  3. Sequential Search
  4. Sorting NumPy Arrays
  5. Validate Anagrams
  6. Create Tables with Python
  7. Recursive Binary Search
  8. Hash Tables using Python
  9. Queues using Python
  10. Validate a Binary Search Tree
  11. Stacks using Python
  12. Check Palindrome Words
  13. Breadth-First Search Algorithm
  14. Plot Annotations
  15. Real-Time Currency Converter
  16. FizzBuzz Algorithm
  17. Extract Keywords with Python
  18. Read Data From Google Sheets with Python
  19. Invoice Generator with Python
  20. Text-Based Adventure Game
  21. Mad Libs Game with Python
  22. Create Acronyms using Python
  23. Alarm Clock with Python
  24. Email Slicer with Python
  25. Story Generator with Python
  26. Generate Password with Python
  27. Play Rock, Paper, and Scissors with Python
  28. Dice Roll Simulator
  29. QR Code Generator
  30. Animal Quiz Game
  31. Print Coloured Text
  32. BMI Calculator
  33. Fahrenheit to Celcius Converter
  34. Taking Multiple User Inputs
  35. Convert Roman Numbers to Decimals
  36. Pearson Correlation

Advance Python Projects:

If you have learned the fundamental Python libraries and some of the external libraries, you should now know how to install external libraries and work with them. So if you are at that level now, you can work on all the advanced Python projects with the source code mentioned below:

  1. Interactive Language Translator
  2. Maximum Profit Finder
  3. Language Detection
  4. Histogram and Density Plots with Python
  5. Radar Plot with Python
  6. Create a Chatbot with Python
  7. Stopwords Removal
  8. Unicode Characters Removal
  9. Grammar Correction with Python
  10. Caterpillar Game with Python
  11. Maze Solver
  12. Encrypt and Decrypt Messages with Python
  13. Screen Pet Game with Python
  14. Robot Builder with Python
  15. Generate Word Clouds
  16. Bitcoin Mining
  17. Password Picker
  18. Typing Test Game GUI
  19. Contact Book with Python
  20. Hangman Game with Python
  21. URL Shortner with Python
  22. Digital Clock GUI
  23. Get Desktop Notifications with Python
  24. Use Your Phone Camera for Computer Vision
  25. Music Player GUI
  26. Game of Life with Python
  27. Extract Text from videos
  28. Fidget Spinner Game
  29. Spelling Correction with Python
  30. Create Amazing Graphics with Python
  31. Monty Hall Simulator
  32. Video to Audio Converter
  33. Tic Tac Toe GUI
  34. Calculator GUI
  35. Number Guessing Game
  36. Image Converter GUI
  37. Weight Converter GUI
  38. Visualize a Chess Board with Python
  39. Age and Gender Detection
  40. Bar Code and QR Code Reader
  41. Create Audiobook with Python
  42. Face Detection
  43. Extract Text from PDF
  44. Card Game using DS and Algo
  45. Web Scrapper with Python
  46. Create a Pencil Sketch using Python
  47. Text Editor GUI
  48. Instagram Filters with Python
  49. Count Number of Rainy days in a year
  50. Send Emails with Python
  51. Image Segmentation
  52. OTP Verification GUI
  53. Quick Sort Algorithm
  54. Deploy a Chatbot
  55. Create a Telegram Bot
  56. Scraping Twitter without API
  57. Text to Speech Converter
  58. Keyword Research with Python
  59. Next Word Prediction
  60. Scrape Wikipedia
  61. Lives Game
  62. Web Scraping to create a CSV
  63. Scrape Instagram
  64. Image Filtering
  65. Audio Processing
  66. Analog Clock with Python
  67. Create a Simple Chatbot
  68. Clock APP with Python
  69. 3D Graphs
  70. Calendar GUI

So these were some very useful Python projects with source code for both a beginner and someone in an advanced level of Python. I hope you liked this article on Python Projects with source code solved and explained. Feel free to ask your valuable questions in the comments section below.

