Best Python Books for Beginners

5 Best Books to learn programming with Python.

Aman Kharwal
Coders Camp


In this article, I will introduce you to 5 Best Python Books for Beginners. All of the books mentioned below are the ones that I have found useful for learning Python for a specific task, e.g. Python for application development, for machine learning, for data structures and algorithms, for data science, etc.

Best Python Books for Beginners

Below are the best Python books for beginners to learn from the fundamentals of Python to creating your mobile applications:

  1. Self-Taught Programmer
  2. Creating Apps in Kivy
  3. Python Machine Learning
  4. Data Structures and Algorithms
  5. Python Data Science Handbook

Self-Taught Programmer

This book isn’t just about learning to program; although you will learn to code. If you want to program professionally, learning to code is not enough; that’s why besides helping you learn to program, it also covers the rest of the things you need to know to program professionally which courses and books don’t teach you.

This book is a roadmap, a guide to take you from writing your first Python program to completing your first technical interview.

Creating Apps in Kivy

Efficiently build mobile apps with Kivy, the graphical Python-powered toolkit for creating natural user interfaces with sleek multitouch support. With this book, you will learn step-by-step how to build and deploy a complete Kivy app for iOS devices and Android.

If you are just a beginner in Python but know the basics of Python, you are ready to use this book to build applications.

Python Machine Learning

For a beginner, the theoretical concepts behind machine learning can be quite overwhelming, and there have been many reference books published in recent years that will help you get started with machine learning by implementing powerful learning algorithms.

You want to become a machine learning practitioner, a better problem solver, or maybe even consider a career in machine learning research, then this book is for you.

Data Structures and Algorithms

This book is no exception, with a primary focus on designing, using, and implementing abstract data types. The importance of designing and using abstract data types for easier modular programming is emphasized throughout the book.

Traditional data structures are also presented throughout the book in terms of implementing different types of data structures. Multiple implementations using different data structures are used throughout the book to reinforce the concept of abstraction. Common algorithms are also presented throughout the book, where applicable, to provide complete coverage with the typical course on data structures and algorithms.

Python Data Science Handbook

The book is not intended to be an introduction to Python or programming in general; the book assumes that the reader is familiar with the Python language, including defining functions, assigning variables, methods of calling objects, controlling the flow of a program, and others.

Instead, it aims to help Python users learn how to use python data stack libraries like IPython, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, and related tools, to store, manipulate, and get effective information from data.

I hope you liked this article on best Python books for beginners to learn from fundamentals to creating mobile applications. Feel free to ask your valuable questions in the comments section below.

