Setting up your development environment for Web Development

Vinayak Tekade
Coder’s Capsule
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2021

This article is the first part of Week of Web(#WOW). If you don’t know what #WOW is here’s a card to it.

In this article we will be going through the tools and software we will be using throughout this series along with step by step tutorial.

So without further ado let’s get started

Photo by Sajad Nori on Unsplash


Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment that lets developers run server-side scripts outside the browser using the V8 engine.

It comes preinstalled with npm which is a package manager for the whole Node.js server platform.

To download Node.js head over to this link and download the LTS(Long term Support) version

Now open the installer.

Follow the on-screen instructions and then check the box where it asks whether you want the additional necessary tools.

To check whether everything is working as expected, open command prompt and type

If you get the following output, everything is working fine


Git is an open-source distributed version control system that can handle versions of tiny as well as large software solution efficiently.

Git can be downloaded from its official website.

Now open the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.

Make sure all these checkboxes are ticked

For this series, we will be using nano as our default git bash editor

Apart from these, use the pre-selected recommended settings and continue with the installation.


Postman is used by developers and testers to collaborate for API development and automated testing.

Download Postman from their amazing creative website.

Follow the on-screen instructions with the default configuration to install Postman.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code (or in short VS Code) is a free code editor made by Microsoft. It has various features like syntax highlighting, auto-completion (also called IntelliSense) and many keyboard shortcuts that we will be using a lot in this series.

Download VS Code from this link.

This should be a straight forward installation, just agree to the license and spam that next button

If this article gets more than 50 claps, I will write a dedicated article to my VS Code set up specially for you all ;)


Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud.

It will help us host our website for free, so go ahead and create an account on their website.


Alright, the last thing we need is an account on GitHub.

Head over to GitHub and click on sign up.

Enter the required information and verify your new account.

And Voila!

Welcome to the social media for developers! (okay not actually, it’s more than just social media)

Follow me on GitHub to find my contribution to the open source community and my personal projects.

That’s all the tools and software needed for now. As we go through the series, we will go through all these software in detail.

In the next article, we will learn about the Version Control System, where we will use Git and GitHub for collaboration and keeping history.

This is Vinayak Tekade from Coder’s Capsule in collaboration with Developer Student Clubs Amrita School of Engineering Bengaluru signing off.

Follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Looking forward to learn, teach and grow together. Check us out on Instagram for more similar content.



Vinayak Tekade
Coder’s Capsule

A young developer looking forward to learn, teach and grow together. Contact me at @VinayakTekade