Exciting times

The Desktop
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1 min readDec 7, 2018


Thank you for following my blog and my articles, I hope you’re enjoying them.

I wanted to tell you that I’m moving my blog away from Medium. I found that Medium introduced a lot of changes and I don’t think they are good for me and my followers. Especially around data protection and ads. I moved my blog away from it as I want to have more control about what I can present you in an enjoyable reading experience without any advertisement from third parties.

My new blog is elazzabi.com, and I assure you it’ll be better from now on with more in depth articles and more news and behind the scenes with my new newsletter. Make sure to subscribe if you want to get them in your email.

Until next time, thank you for your love and support.




The Desktop

I write. Code. And make food magically disappear.