
The Desktop
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2018


It has been a long time since I published something... It’s not that I don’t write that often. It’s just I didn’t hit that publish button for some time.

Part of this is because things are going fast on my end. I have a new job. In a new setup. And that takes a lot of time from me to adapt.

I knew from the start that I wanted to work remotely someday. Little did I know I’ll start now. I was thinking maybe I need a minimum of 5 years or something. But, here we are. Things are going fast.

Do I regret it? No. Was I prepared? No. Did I do things the way they should be? Absolutely no, I’m sure I did some mistakes. Because, as I said, I wasn’t prepared. But here I am. I’m still alive. So I think things are going pretty well.

Life is full of randomness and unexpected events. And even if you think you have your life sorted and planned for the next 5 or 10 years. Unexpected things can happen. Good or bad.

Does this mean you shouldn’t plan your life? No. Absolutely no. You should. This just means: plan your life, but be prepared to take shortcuts or long detours if encountered. You’re not obliged to stick to your plan. Even if you’re not prepared.

Your plan is your polar star. You know where you’re heading. And you know the average time it would take you to be there. But you also know that good or bad things can happen anytime. And you should adapt your plan accordingly.

Because life… is kinda random.



The Desktop

I write. Code. And make food magically disappear.