Data Science and ML Projects Series

Vertical series ( One post that will house all the projects as we build/implement them)

Naina Chaturvedi
Coders Mojo


Welcome back peeps! Holiday season has started and before I jet off to my holidays, here’s something new that I have started which will help you build your Data science and ML skills through projects.

As we have already completed 60 days of Data Science and ML Series ; now we are moving ahead with the projects.

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

Project 4

Project 5

Project 6

Project 7

Project 8

Project 9

Project 10

Project 11

Project 12

Project 13

Project 14

Project 15

Project 16

Project 17

Project 18

Project 19

Project 20

Project 21

Project 22

Project 23

Project 24



Naina Chaturvedi
Coders Mojo

🇺🇸,World Traveler, Sr. SDE, Researcher Cornell Uni, Women in Tech, Coursera Instructor ML & GCP, Trekker, IITB,Reader,I write for fun@AI & Python publications