Day 42: 60 days of Data Science and Machine Learning Series

RNN and Tensorflow with a project ..

Naina Chaturvedi
Coders Mojo


How RNN works ( Pic credits : Research Gate)

Welcome back peeps. In this post we are going to understand the basics of Tensorflow with a project.

Recurrent Neural Network, created in the 1980’s, is a state of the art algorithm for dealing with sequential data by using internal memory to remember important things about the input RNN’s received to precisely predict what’s coming next. RNN’s are popularly used in language translation, natural language processing (nlp), speech recognition, captioning etc.

RNN vs Feed Forward Network ( Pic credits : IBM)
How RNN works ( Pic credits : Research Gate)

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30 days of Data Engineering with projects Series

60 days of Data Science and ML Series with projects

100 days : Your Data Science and Machine Learning Degree Series with projects

23 Data Science Techniques You Should



Naina Chaturvedi
Coders Mojo

🇺🇸,World Traveler, Sr. SDE, Researcher Cornell Uni, Women in Tech, Coursera Instructor ML & GCP, Trekker, IITB,Reader,I write for fun@AI & Python publications