Day 59: 60 days of Data Science and Machine Learning Series

NLP and Convolutions…

Naina Chaturvedi
Coders Mojo


Pic credits : Cogitotech

Natural Language Processing is a branch of linguistics, AI and CS for manipulation, translation of natural language which gives the machines an ability to read, understand and derive meaning from human language. It’s an extremely vast field and ( just for) the introductions purpose without dealing with heavy weights , below is a good starting reference point—

Using CNN’s you can perform classifications tasks, such as Text Classification, Sentiment Analysis, Spam Detection or Topic Categorization etc.

Some of the other best Series —

30 Days of Natural Language Processing ( NLP) Series

30 days of Data Engineering with projects Series

60 days of Data Science and ML Series with projects

100 days : Your Data Science and Machine Learning Degree Series with projects

23 Data Science Techniques You Should Know

Tech Interview Series —



Naina Chaturvedi
Coders Mojo

🇺🇸,World Traveler, Sr. SDE, Researcher Cornell Uni, Women in Tech, Coursera Instructor ML & GCP, Trekker, IITB,Reader,I write for fun@AI & Python publications