Quick Recap : 30 days of Natural Language Processing ( NLP) with Projects Series

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Naina Chaturvedi
Coders Mojo


Pic credits : Codeworks

Welcome back peeps. Hope y’all doing great. I’m swamped with office work!

System Design Case Studies — In Depth

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Anyways, this post covers what we have covered till now in the 30 days of Natural Language Processing ( NLP) with Projects Series till now ( day wise summary).

Some of the other best Series —

30 Days of Natural Language Processing ( NLP) Series

30 days of Data Engineering with projects Series

60 days of Data Science and ML Series with projects

100 days : Your Data Science and Machine Learning Degree Series with projects

23 Data Science Techniques You Should Know

Tech Interview Series — Curated List of coding questions

Complete System Design with most popular Questions Series

Complete Data Visualization and Pre-processing Series with projects

Complete Python Series with Projects



Naina Chaturvedi
Coders Mojo

🇺🇸,World Traveler, Sr. SDE, Researcher Cornell Uni, Women in Tech, Coursera Instructor ML & GCP, Trekker, IITB,Reader,I write for fun@AI & Python publications