Top Android tools libraries in 2021

Houssein Ouerghemmi
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2021

Generally speaking, following the quality of your products needs some supervision or and some additional works. So today I come with few quick-win libraries that help you to ensure the quality of your Android apps.


Record Http traffic to use it in your tests or in your debug mode.
With a Gradle job file, you can easily create the mocks data of your APIs.


Keeping your dependency up-to-date is important. This library helps us by generating a file in the module build directory that contains the libraries that have a new update.

This library is interesting for two reasons:

  • Keep a trace in your CI of the outdated libraries
  • If you use Gradle kts, the built-in check in Android Studio won’t show you a warning about new versions.


The following dependencies have later milestone versions:- org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 [1.4.10 -> 1.4.21]
- org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android [1.3.9 -> 1.4.2]

Gradle test logger

Provide beautiful console logs to your unit test execution with their execution time. It’s useful when you want to see the result of your test quickly in your CI or if you are a fan of the console run.



Sometimes you don’t understand why your APK is getting heavy. This tool can help you by diffing two APKs. The diff includes the difference of the size of the resources, assets, classes …


Build time can increase quickly with generated code or with something that’s not important for you. Keeping an eye on the evolution of your build time is recommended if you don’t want to spend a lot of time in it.

