Vertika Shukla
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2018

Hey Everyone!
Here we are with our second Expert Roundup discussion…

I see lots of people get confused between Java and JavaScript. And since this is a place to help absolute beginners, it will be good to help them differentiate between the two.


Shweta Jha- Java is programming language and Javascript is scripting language. Java creates applications that run in a virtual machine or browser while JavaScript code is run on a browser only. These are the big difference between both

Vertika Shukla- JavaScript is for designing the websites. It is used to make front end website development interactive for the users. Whereas Java is used for backend development of various software.

Lavanya Rohilla- You can find the use of JAVA at developing the back end for android application and the most important thing is that it is the primary language for android app development.

Shreya Pandey- Javascript is basically a scripting language and can be used in variety of areas both for client side or server side nowadays.
JavaScript was inspired form java thus have some similarity in the syntax.
Whereas java is a full fledged programming language. Like other languages.

Rajinder Singh- Java is a oop programming language and JavaScript is oop scripting language.
Java application can run in a virtual machine or browser but JavaScript applications run in browser only.
JavaScript resides inside HTML documents.

JavaScript is used a lot in web development.
JavaScript has many frameworks like ReactJS, NodeJS, VueJS and all these are used to make web applications.
Java frameworks are struts, spring, hibernate and all the are used to make web and desktop applications

Diksha Chhonkar- Key differences between Java and JavaScript: Java is an OOP programming language while Java Script is an OOP scripting language. Java creates applications that run in a virtual machine or browser while JavaScript code is run on a browser only. Java code needs to be compiled while JavaScript code are all in text. Java is basically back end programming language while JavaScript is front-end.

Deepali Rai- Java mainly uses block based scoping i.e. a variable goes out of scope as soon as control comes out of the block, unless until its not a instance or class variable. On the other hand JavaScript mainly uses function based scoping, a variable is accessible in the function they are declared. If you have a global variable and local variable with same name, local will take precedence in JavaScript.

Anjali Mishra- Java code is compiled whereas JavaScript is interpreted.
Now if someone don’t know the difference between compiler and interpreter I am glad to help them.

Deepali Rai- JavaScript is much more forgiving than Java, you don’t have NullPointerException in JavaScript, your variable can accept different kinds of data because of JavaScript is dynamically typed language.

Harshita Abrol- Java is considered a compiled programming language. JavaScript is considered an interpreted scripting language. The difference is in the implementation.
Java uses static type checking, where the type of a variable is checked at compile-time whereas JavaScript, like most scripting languages, uses dynamic typing, where type safety is verified at runtime.

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