Vertika Shukla
Published in
4 min readAug 7, 2018

Hola Folks!

This time our round up discussion was focused on #womenintech

So here we are with our forth expert round up discussion. #4



Deepali Rai

Lack of support and understanding~ I think that Female employees who work in a tech field don’t have the full support of their coworkers.
Additionally, not having a college degree in engineering or computer science can also lead to a workplace atmosphere where women feel as though they don’t fit in….

Anjali Mishra

Environmental pressure and slightly lack of self confidence because everyone is trying to throwing them out.
to prove others that we fit into best candidate we(women) suffer from environmental pressure.

Diksha Chhonkar

The foremost challenge according to me that women face in tech world is the perspective of their male colleagues and society about them. People often think that women are weak and cannot meet the demands of the industry but the irony is that women can do much better. Secondly, self confidence is also crucial for changing the thoughts of society.

Shreya Pandey

The problem that I faced are:
1. Very less guys think that you deserve to know techy stuff, as in my case, they think that I’ll not get their point, or it may be way too much techy for me. Result being they don’t share it! As a matter of fact I have to ask them.
2. People think that we women are very insecure. That’s not true!!!
The fact is the ones who are telling us that we are insecure, are actually very insecure person.

I don’t think nowadays women are being suppressed but they aren’t accepted as equal to men.
I don’t know, you guys got my point… But that was it.


Garima Pandey

Inequality and discrimination are the main problems followed by lack of support and understanding . These are the problems which every women is facing in the tech world which is demotivating them to prosper in their fields.

Nandini Tayal

1️. If a girl miss any opportunity in tech, it is considered that girls are not technically sound enough and not the best fit for tech job

2️. If a girl has interest in tech and grab a opportunity in tech then it is considered that they got the opportunity because girls are favoured by the recruiters.

Garima Gaba

According to me, there is nothing that can stop a focused woman but there are certain challenges we need to overcome so as to taste success . One of the most tough challenge is to manage and cope with the ego of your male counterpart . Women are somewhat overlooked in many cases. Society has made its own notions about women entering the world of technology.

Harshita Abrol

A modern day woman struggles to strike a balance between working and family life, often sacrificing the latter to succeed and gain status within a company and society. They are not only faced with these problems but also get paid significantly less than their male co-workers, too. The environment also plays important role that if she’s comfortable in doing the work or not with her team mates and without mental stress.

Simran Ray

According to me our modern India officially gives a lot of opportunities for women to enter in technical world and hardly discriminates. But I often get to hear that women lack technical knowledge, can’t be good engineer and stuff. However since decades women all over the world are proving such myths wrong. So I am confident that women will achieve even more in this field.

Dhruvi Patel

Most of the men think that only they are the tech freaks..women cant do anything in this field and stuff…bt i feel its not the case..its all about interest..if she is interested then she can much more and better than men.

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