Code Sharp
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3 min readAug 24, 2018

Everyday as you start scrolling down the feeds on Facebook , Twitter , Linked In and if you have followed people or are in the groups related to Data Science ; you might have noticed that each day everyone or the other posts certain new things about Data Science and its derived fields and if you are a beginner you might want to read or view each of them to get a perfect insight about what is the world saying about Data Science and often get stressed by going through certain posts which are quite different from each other !!

So , before we start viewing the tonnes of data uploaded by our connections over LinkedIn , Facebook etc. , we must try to understand why there is so much hype about data science these days .

Let’s have a view on the images attached below :

Both the images make us realize the speed at which data is generated these days and here comes the importance of Data Science : The field to analyze , clean data to give meaningful insights and which finally leads to the growth and development of an organization and society as a whole by analyzing the data that is generated while you all surf net , send email , check notifications etc and using them for better modifications in the products that we all use in day to day schedule .

So , by looking into the images we can estimate that the need of the hour is to hire people who can help us analyze data using Python , R, Tableau etc. so that the data i.e being generated these days just don`t end up taking a lot of memory in our server ; but we can shape that data for better user experience like the recommending system in Amazon , Youtube etc.
Hoping that this piece of writing will help you decide why you must go in the field of data science as a world full of playing with data is waiting for you .

Hence boost yourself up with skills required to play with the chunk of data and be future ready because the upcoming years are of data !!

By — Ayon Roy

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