First shot

Karthik Kadambi
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2018

Hello, My name is Karthik Kadambi and I am from Bengaluru, India. I work as a Senior Analyst at Accenture and I am currently working on creating applications using ReactJS. I have a total of 6+years of experience with 5+ years in Accenture and I have written applications using PHP, jQuery, Java, PERL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

As I am working in a service-based company the expectation is to work on different technologies and stacks on an ad-hoc basis. Because of working in different technologies and stacks, the advantage is that I am exposed to different paradigms and disadvantage is I don’t have a strong foot in one of the languages. Initially, I was not worried as I wanted to get exposed to different domains and languages. But as I started to get more experience, there came a point where I realized I should have a strong grip on at least one language. As I was working on React for almost 3 years in my total of 6 years experience, I thought it’s better to be a React developer with my primary skill being ReactJS.

Reason for writing this publication:

Recently I thought of changing my company and when I started attending interviews, I was asked more questions on core JavaScript instead of ReactJS which is fair enough because React is just a framework and framework of choice change from time to time.

The motivation behind starting this publication is that still there are a lot of developers who are directly jumping into frameworks like React without having core knowledge of language and our industry just needs some skillset to get the job done. They don’t care if you have a core knowledge or not. The only time they check the core knowledge understanding is during the interviews and developers will come to a realization about this mistake only at that point in time.

As Kyle mentioned In one of his tutorials:

Industry rewards to get things done and their is no reward for truly knowing something.

How I intend to solve:

I understand there are a lot of articles, tutorials, and books on the web and nothing can beat those tutorials by awesome folks. But the downside is many just try to binge watch the videos or keep studying a book without trying it out.

The way I am trying to solve this is to cover the core language constructs by breaking into bite-sized tutorials (or bite-sized shot 🥃) where I will show by twining description, code and output together and helping readers visually grasp the concept and encouraging to try out the same.

I will be going over the basic constructs and concepts of JavaScript programming and nothing more.


Every time I thought I should write out a blog, I was backing off with the fear that what people might think. As a lot of articles are stuffed with quality. After seeing a lot of professional level programmers tweeting about just going for it, I came to realize it’s not the quality at the start it’s just persistently writing and coding is what makes better.

Some inspirational tweets:

Without wait let’s deep dive into JavaScript core.

Diving at Trick eye Museum, Singapore :)

