Indian education is broken, let’s take baby steps to fix it

Rajat Mann
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2018

Curse of unemployability!

We all proud Indians hope that our country will grow rapidly in upcoming years and our system will be able to lift hundreds of millions out of poverty, same as China has been able to do in last 30 years!

But a country cannot seriously hope to become a major power, when more than half of 50 Lakh students who graduate out of her colleges every year lack basic employability skills.

Indian engineers| UNEMPLOYABLE

If we talk about engineers in our country, situation is even worse!
More than 6 Lakh engineers are dumped into the economy each year, only 20% are ready to be deployed as Software Engineers in the IT Services industry.
And for Software product roles this number drops to 4%.
If we want more companies like Flipkart and Ola to come out of India, we ought to improve this situation.

Old curriculum for Computer Science in our colleges is in such bad state that I have personally seen students of good college mugging up roles and responsibilities of a DBA’ without having any knowledge of running simple SQL queries!


While recent efforts of government in this direction are admirable, no amount of money spent on government programs like SKILL INDIA can cure this condition unless private enterprises take serious steps in large.

I believe there is enough demand for good engineers in market to absorb the supply in next 5–10 years. Now it’s only the problem of selecting those who actually want to be engineers and imparting them with skills that are relevant to the industry.

If we can somehow impart all these skills and not take any fee from students, that should be the perfect way to correct this situation.

Don’t pay till you don’t land a job!

In this same direction we have come up with a solution. Selecting some of the best talent in the country and then training them on coding skills needed in fast moving startups.

We admit candidates via a highly selective process and rigorously train them in an intense 3 month coding bootcamp to ensure highest order of quality.

If you know someone who can benefit from our program, please refer them to us. You can find more about this program at

