All the more reasons to be happy

Piyush Badkul
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2019

“It is always said that you have given life once live it to the fullest, make most of it and do something great that once you look back you realize that you have done something worthy, which will make you feel appreciative.”

In today’s world, people have different ways to live their life; some have a luxury life and the others have a normal life [life which is extremely simple and regular]. Never compare your life with others, because there is no comparison between the sun and the moon.

People say that life is beautiful,” then why they don’t take it in an optimistic way, why they always complain about themselves by using the words like my life is very boring or it has been ruined, I don’t know, why such words they use, when it’s their life and even though they have full command over it.

Even though people have the different mindset, some are optimistic and the other pessimistic. Optimistic people are those who are the positive thinker and are confident and hopeful about their future prospectus. These types of people are very successful in their carrier. Apart from this, pessimistic people are one who lacks confidence and is negative in their thoughts; these people don’t take the risk and are not happy with the progress of other people and also are not successful in their life.

Life is like an ice-cream, eat it before it gets melted. So be a person of full gratitude and have faith in yourself, do not over think, just flow with the flow. Even if you look around yourself you will find people with different personalities, then you will realize the importance of life because everyone has different ways to live; some live their life though dreaming i.e., it includes virtual thinking that can be only an imaginary survival and the others which make it happen in reality and are fascinated by their dreams and goals.

So what do you think life is all about? — To make yourself happy by impressing others and showing off! NAHH — -“life is, all about believing and knowing in oneself and ignoring the faces of people who are dangerous to your success. Be grateful and never let yourself down when you do not succeed or see a good result in one or more attempts, this does not mean that you will give up.

You may not see the changes, but each adapts choice you make will affect you in different ways that you have never imagined. Be brave and kill your sworn enemy by your success (as Dettol kills germs and make your body protective). Be the best version of yourself and make your life full of adventures and not with things. Have stories to tell not stuff to show. Because if you do more and more adventures in your life you would have great experience about it, and when you remember those memories you will feel good and you would like to elaborate those moments with your dearest ones.

Be yourself and let people see the sketchy, enjoyable, weird, and alluring person you are. Just be happy, remove all the negative thoughts and the cause of unhappiness because when the caterpillar thought her life is over, she began to fly.

Life is all about ups and downs because you are on a path where you really don’t care what people feel about you, you only have to care what you feel about yourself.

I would say that when you get de-motivate just do yoga or even you can read inspirational novels and quotes which will re-boost your strength.

Always remember one thing in life that when a bus passes under a pull and it gets dark, does not mean that you will throw the tickets and jump off. It means that you will sit and trust the driver.

Trust the god no matter how dark the situation is. Therefore, surround yourself with positive people and talk about your aim. Do not allow the fear of exposure to stop you from shining.

Friend’s life is short, so just remember three words-

Live, laugh, love

Never lose hope. Do your best and take the rest.

Be active instead of being reactive!!!!

