Are you beating yourself up?

Piyush Badkul
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2018

You feel that you are a responsible adult? You feel that your even your smallest actions can have some really big consequences? Are you blaming yourself for the people or the close ones that you have failed? Are you being more and more worried and tensed that you may not be able to live up to the expectations of others?

Have you failed to execute some important tasks? Have you ended up being too sad after thinking about these things? You not getting enough attention? Have someone failed you when you needed them the most?

You are working way too much harder but you haven’t gone any recognition? After working way too much harder, you are not getting any positive results from your boss or gain any positive feedback from your colleges. Are you?

Have you confessed your feelings to someone else? Have you gotten rejected? You may have miserably failed for the Competitive exams that you were preparing so hard for? You have never outperformed in your college or school. Have you?


Have you ever been through these feelings?

These feelings come to us when we are sad and when we are really low.

These feeling happens to almost all of the people. The thing to get over it is to feel that it is OK that it has happened. Here is my advice -

1 — You just need to understand that it is OKKKKK, Period.

2 — Always keep your cool. Don’t panic. Things get a ton easier if you handle them slowly and calmly. Not everything needs to be executed instantly. Take your time.

3 — Just accept the fact that we are too small to control everything at our current position with the current resources that are disposed to us. Just work hard till the point where you feel that your control in life is satisfactory.

4 — Accepting the fact that everything happens for a reason. What might be very painful in the short run may be worth it in the long run. Always have a long term vision and learn to endure pain and move on.

5 — Short term attention is not a crucial factor because it won’t stand for long and it will fade away sooner than you think. Work for the work that may help you gain an attention which will be self sustaining and for a long time.


6 — If you have feelings for someone and you feel that they are stopping you from completing the work that needs to be done because you are thinking about them every time, then just confess everything. It will be painful for the short term and it will help you gain much clear perspective and focus for the long term. Don’t let that feelings drag you too long.

7 — Start taking responsibility instead of making excuses and pointing fingers for blame. This will help you to get mature and help you shape your thoughts for the better tomorrow.

8 — Just let go of everything and try to do something new that makes you happy. Being happy is the most important thing that you can do for your Parents and yourself. Feel blessed to have parents and other things that others can’t afford.

9 — Whenever you feel low, try to look at the person who is below you. That way, you will understand life better.

10 — Just keep smiling whether you have the reason or not and Help Others whenever possible.


Everyone goes through these feeling at some point and you need to understand that it is OKAY, Period. If you liked the blog, then start following some of these habits because

Staying happy is the best thing that you can do to yourself in this world full of desperation, darkness and depression.

Remember the following,

Adapt, Improvise, overcome

