Why are we building CodesMyth?

Piyush Badkul
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2019
Photo by EJ Yao on Unsplash

Destroying is often easier than building. Precisly speaking, building from scratch is way harder than destroying it.

Building something is also a beautiful and time taking process.

Beautiful things are bound to happen. But, things wil be more beautiful if we have an idea which has the potential to impact even a handful of lives and a lot of passion, patience and discipline to implement and execute it.

Basically, what I have learned the exteremly hard way like talking to developers on IRC, OpenSource Contribution, Android Developement [You can use libraries instead of making them from scratch which i did BTW] and a lot of other stuffs, I want to make it easy for you. This is because, you won’t have to waste extra time learning the same things that i did without any help, instead you will have a stepping stone and you can do things more easily in less time with all the knowledge you have.

I want you to pass the same to your juniors as i am doing this now

CodesMyth is an amalgamation of these thoughts and it has 5 foundation stones on which it stands.


A lot of people ends up opening startups just for investor’s money. They end up raising a lot of investor money only to back out. This type of activities result in demoralization of investors and closing of the start-ups with a worthy idea due to insufficient funding. All we want to do is to bring into limelight a start-up which has a great idea and a potential to execute it along with a plan. A series of Co-Founder’s Interview or their company’s journey will surely help the budding entreprenuers.


If there is something called as charity in domain of Computer Science, then it is solely contributing to OpenSource.

People around the globe contribute and make their projects available to us without costing us a penny. This section aims to bring those projects or people working behind it into limelight and help others join it as to increase the impact of their work and result in the benefit of the entire society.


Technology but not like Android or IOS or Javascript or Hardware or Gaming stuff. A million of peoples are already bragging about it. We are here to talk about things like Dark web, Deep web or bitcoin mining or the things which are related to the core of Computer Science. Things like securities, privacies and why it is important and how can we imporve them as per our conditions. Things people have little or no knowledge of, but is pretty important if think about it from a calm mind.


Hey, don’t get offensive if I called you a Noob.

A lot of people undergo high school and studies all the subjects taught to them throughly. They even score good pointers only to end up with low to average paying jobs. Where did they went wrong? It’s just that they lacked in guidance so as to where they should have begin.

Knowledge of books is great but the knowledge of field is even greater and practical. You get to know things like internship in a company, Working on OpenSource Projects or personal proejcts, Google Summer Of Code, Mozilla winter of Security, Personal portfolio along with interview hacks as to show most of yourself when the time comes.


All other stuff that is left out in the above section but is crazy interesting. For e.g, Knowledge about robots.txt is required if you are to parse a web page, best blogs you can read regarding tech, podcasts, new innovation, life lessons etc.

Photo by Bryan Minear on Unsplash

In the end, More power to you.

BTW, I am the curator of this website. My Name is PIYUSH BADKUL. If you have similar stuff to share, then lets connect via mail on piyushmact18@gmail.com.

If you have any other doubts or any other issue you want me to explain it to you, then please feel free to communicate to the above mail. I will connect with you at the latest.


