Why did I decide to write again?

Piyush Badkul
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2019
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Small Victories should be acknowledged in order to sustain a long term victory.

I wanted to do something new, something different to prove myself in front of me. I had to answer to myself about how I am going on with my life. Is what I have achieved till now enough for me? I never thought I wanted to be a developer until 3 years ago when I shifted my branch from mechanical to Computer Science. I didn’t know what computer science would be? I just took it because every other person in my family took it. I wasn’t still satisfied with the work that I was doing after taking computer science, the projects that I was completing, the coding and the developing I was doing.

It was just that my work wasn’t worth anything which would make others acknowledge me. The code that I ended up writing didn’t have any potential in the real world and it wasn’t solving any issues. I didn’t intend to make a dent in this world, I only wanted to acknowledge myself in front of the pioneers. I even started my start-up, then worked around it and as expected, we were excepting the result before the beginning. So, our start-up failed entirely before it even had a chance to start.

These things were making me sad. I thought about it and decided to start a blog, a place to share my thoughts, to aware people about the things that they didn’t even know were happening around them and that they could benefit from them. Hence, I started my blog under the name of CodesMyth.

Photo by Pereanu Sebastian on Unsplash

As every blogger faces it, I too faced that U-curve. In any job we are doing, there is a U — Curve, which explains the motivation and passion for any work that we are doing is very high during the starting and the ending phase. The motivation goes down in the middle phase just like a U shaped graph. I had ended up writing up several topics from varying domains explaining the problem I faced and the best solutions that I encountered.

This was it. I was not having any more areas in which I could guide others. So, I thought of giving this a break when an email appeared out of nowhere from a person who was benefitted via my email.

The email read something like this

“Hello sir, I have a lot of Doubt in the Computer Science field. Please guide accordingly as per which languages should we learn in which year. Thank you very much”

This was the required spark that was needed to burn the fire that was suppressed within me. I was happy and shared this with all of my colleagues. I was satisfied now that the work that I have completed is not in vain.

The thing that I want to let others know is that reaching a goal should be a long term thinking. Aiming for overnight success is not possible, at least for most of us. Thus, having that long term goal does have its fair shares of ups and downs. So, most people think about having a break in case of downs in this long term vision. Breaks are important but in this case, they tend to decrease productivity and even kill it as the duration of the break increases. Hence, we should appreciate all our small victories and try to reduce this break to increase our productivity, for these small victories may end up adding to our long term victory.

