The History of Stress

Mik Seljamaa.Nagaoka
Published in
5 min readMay 10, 2019

For many millennia humans have suffered under the pressure for existence. Sometimes the very act of sustaining existential needs is equated to struggle. It is easy to assume that they are, without a vision that this could end, and to further presume that humans are not lulled into a dream or a state of trance, the veil of stress has been pulled down on all those eyelids, to shade them from the real properties of our mind, with the very same pressure that is killing all those who suffer. The tensions erase the very connections between the dots between suffering and stress, neither do they allow for any other higher cognitive faculties.

Stress leads to anosognosia — after stress affects a person, that person looses insight into one’s condition. Most are blinded from the truth since the day they were born. For most there is no feeling that there is something wrong with the world, because it cannot be touched or or smelled or felt. It can however be shown. How can we solve it if we cannot see the root causes of stress, when stressed? Especially if most people are suffering from it?

It is a sinister world of well behaved humans following programs set by a minority doing the programming. Stress is a tool used to make people blind, so they cannot see the exploitation they engage in. It is also stressful to worry about losing this advantage that some have over others! It is even stressful to lose this stress-causing social relationship, because all social relationships in most modern societies have been based on this secret — who would like to be cast out of society? They rather accept the status quo than face the world alone like a castaway, and there is a logic to it — would they survive the perils and challenges of the desert of the real without a mindset needed to explore it?

Humans are no longer born to this world, they are constructed as instances of social programming from the womb of control that has been impregnated with the seeds of the code inherent in social conduct.

Welcome to a world that completely lacks the real, the natural and enter …

The real picture of society has psychopaths and narcissists running the top tier, neither have developed much empathy for others and yet they garner much stress so as to keep the work environment of these minions stressed to their utmost level at which they work in drudgery, empty ceremonies, pointless routines — all in all totally meaningless jobs. If robots could take their tasks, they would defend these inhumane positions given by the empathically retarded managers and beg for alternatives. An emancipation would be as unlikely in success as asking for liberty from those who rejoice in the victory of subduing you.

People expect stress as part of the very condition of life. People are so integrated into this system and so addicted to stress that they would fight to keep this condition as it is. Any attempt at undermining or fighting the system of control by the Dark Triad by means of addictions to repetitive thinking, speaking and acting would not just back-fire — it would sacrifice the very ones we are trying to free, and then blame us for any harm they have conspired.

Expectations are the very essence here that lock people into a habit. More than the rewards. Although if the expectation is not satisfied by reward, dopamine will fall dramatically.

Stress causes behaviours that repeat. In extreme this is called stereotypy. For some there is stress because they feel they should be able to exit, but cannot see the door out of this prison of the mind because it has been bricked in by their constructions of reality.

These repeating behaviours bare a strong resemblance to programs running algorithms on computers. The collection of all behaviours forms a blueprint of all societies.

There are a few rebel minds among us freed from these behaviours and open to new experiences doing their very best to recover by meditation, holotropic work, cold exposure, exercise, EDRM. The results are simply astounding — flow of optimal performance, deep analytical thought and insights that sprout succinct solutions to complex problems.

There are no universal paths to recovering from an addiction to ritualised behaviours, for if we were to develop such a method, it would constitute another ritual, that will be followed blindly, merely for the kicks. Without much intrinsic motivation. Even if there was a method the addicts would be enjoying their rituals so much that their cognitive faculties could not be stretched to reach the level required for formulating a solution to their addiction. Thus closing a loop and keeping them shut tight in the caged world much akin to the Truman Show.

STRESS —although it was known somewhat before the awareness of the meta-disease, that causes many other diseases, it became a subject of deeper research in the 30s. Dr. Hans Selye (1907–1982) defined stress as the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made on it.

ANOSOGNOSIA —Anosognosia is a deficit of self-awareness, a condition in which a person with some disability seems unaware of its existence. It was first named by the neurologist Joseph Babinski in 1914.

STRIATUM — The area of the brain that decides how to solve a problem. Whether by convergent thinking or divergent thinking. It is important, here, to distinguish the hormetic response of stretching the limits at which stress appears and stress that is harmful. Two areas work in parallel inside the striatum Dorso Medial Striatum (DMS) and (DLS)

STEREOTYPY — persistent repetition or sameness of acts, ideas, or words.

FLOW- the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting loss in one’s sense of self, space, effort and time even though the experience is richly detailed. (adapted from Wikipedia)

Dark Triad — three personality types that include Narcissists, Psychopaths and Sociopaths who have little empathy for others.

The response to stress with a reframing, as something that provides an exciting challenge for future tasks ahead can make a huge difference on whether the effect is detrimental to us or actually a quick route to an adrenaline that fuels part of our flow to be. This is a major insight!

Cortisol with dopamine with orexin.

Stress and the Marching Point

Collective madness of not seeing a solution while the whole nation arms itself causes a massive collapse of moral nature. History has shown this — this brings about war because other means of solving problems are deemed exhausted. And once a condition of war begins we have a repeat of the soldiers disease, PTSD and an advancing level of stress in society for years to come. And then the cycle repeats…

Moreover a drive to radically reshape and alter the system, would often run the utterly high risk of turning into another *civil* type of war.

And then the cycle would repeat again…



Mik Seljamaa.Nagaoka

I observe the world, spotting the novel phenomena with salience and perceiving the hidden patterns within the chaos of the ordinary, while escaping routines.