5 More Programming Projects to Keep You Busy Indoors

Improve your skills in web development, programming, UI, automation and more with these projects

Koen van Zeijl
Geek Culture
Published in
6 min readJan 26, 2021



A few weeks ago I wrote my about programming project, “5 Programming Projects to Get you Through the Darker Months". This post got me lots of very nice reactions. So today I decided to dig a little more and wrote down 5 more challenging programming projects to keep you busy indoors.

Working on one — or multiple — of these projects is an amazing way to improve yourself as a programmer. You get the opportunity to broaden your skillset by trying out new techniques or programming languages. So let’s get going!

The projects:

  1. Automatic image optimizer
  2. Automate your smart home
  3. Create your own blog
  4. Start a local marketplace in your city (no-code)
  5. Creating your own radio station

1. Automatic image optimizer



Koen van Zeijl
Geek Culture

I help you keep up to date with C#, Azure DevOps and all sorts of nice to know tools | You can buy me a beer at