Get Excited for the First-Ever

Features Update from CodeSubmit

June 2019

Tracy Phillips


We’re really excited to announce our first Features Update at CodeSubmit. Our plan is to regularly update the tech and recruiting communities here on Medium with new CodeSubmit features as they become available. We are a customer-centered company, so user feedback plays a leading role in determining which features we pursue for the CodeSubmit platform. So, if you’re using our platform and you have a suggestion, we want to hear it! Just reach out at

Without further ado, here are our newest features, now live on the CodeSubmit platform:

Invite Candidates with Link

In our MVP, it was only possible to invite candidates to respective take-home assignments in-app. To do that, you would go into the assignment, click the “Invite Candidate” button, add their name and email address, press send, and then the candidate would receive a CodeSubmit email, inviting them to the take-home assignment. One of our early users requested the ability to copy the invite link directly so that they could invite the candidate in their own email or ATS, believing that in some cases, this method provides a smoother flow of information between hiring team and candidate. So, we are excited to announce that Invite Candidates with a Link functionality is now available, in addition to the original “Invite Candidate” button.

You’re now empowered to choose whichever method of invitation works best for you.

Manage Hiring Team

Our third feature is called Manage Hiring Team. This button allows you to add additional CodeSubmit users to a specific take-home assignment as a subscriber. Subscribers receive email notifications about candidate progress for that specific assignment, ensuring that everyone involved in the hiring process stays informed when a candidate progresses through an assignment stage.

Ensure all stakeholders stay informed of candidate progress

In-App Notifications

In addition to email notifications, CodeSubmit now includes in-app notifications to keep you on top of recent activity that is important to you. These notifications will inform you of all activity that has taken place in the assignments you’re subscribed to since the last time you logged in. It also provides a history of activity for all assignments that you care about, should you need that information later on. Our new mascot ROBert will let you know when you’re all caught up!

Left: How it looks when you have New Notifications, Right: How it looks when you’re all caught up on Notifications (that's our mascot, ROBert)

Sign Up or Sign In with Google

Finally, we are happy to announce that CodeSubmit is now Google Sign In compatible! This was one of our most requested features from day one, and it’s great for companies who use G Suite in their businesses and may prefer that their employees use their G Suite account for all software services.

Nothing too surprising here, but it is definitely a nice-to-have!

We hope you’ve enjoyed our first-ever CodeSubmit Features Update! Thanks for reading! If you’re a tech recruiter or technical hiring manager, check out, sign up for a free trial, and begin automating your take-home coding assignments!

And before we go, we want to wish our LGBTQ+ Community a Happy Pride Month!

