Serial Development Versus Parallel Development


Code Temple
3 min readSep 4, 2019


Serial development = Working by yourself


i’m going to use my work schedule at allstate as a metaphor to understand

Morning Schedule

Think of a time when you worked alone and was given a “To-do list” that had to be completed by the end of the day.

When I was working at Allstate Insurance, my morning to-do list was to open the office, undo the alarm, turn on the neon sign that said, “open” , turn the office lights on, turn the computers on, disable forwarding phone calls and check missed phone calls and emails, and return all phone calls and emails in the order they were received in chronically sequence.

Serial Development

Serial development in computer programming is similar to my morning to-do list in that computer program processes one item at a time in a sequence order. Serial development does not focus on doing more than one thing at a time. It focuses on one item on the to-do list, completes it, and moves to the next item on the to-do list. The down-sides of serial development are:

  • lower performance
  • higher work load for the processor
  • more time to complete the task
  • lower cost.

Parallel Development = Working as part of a team doing things at the same time

Afternoon Schedule

Meanwhile, my afternoon to-do list included providing efficient, fast, knowledgeable, courteous customer service to all the clients, taking payment, answering the phone and offering quotes to current and potential customers. During this time I worked with a team. The group consisted of my office manager, and co-workers. We greeted all walk-in customers, answered phone calls, took payments and did quotes either with the same customer or a different one. Working at the same time to complete the task together as a team is like working in parallel. For parallel development to work, it takes two to tango. Unlike serial development, you dance by itself.

Parallel Development

Parallel development is when computer programs have many processors and these processors work at the same time. Multiple processors work together like a team to accelerate the completion of a given task. The difference between serial development and parallel development are:

  • higher performance
  • lower work loan per processor
  • higher cost
  • less time to complete tasks


In conclusion, serial development performs one task at a time. In contrast, parallel development performs multiple tasks at the same time.

talk about cost

has a higher performance and requires less time to complete task. but cost is more due to hving many workers to complete task.

