Codeutsava 4.0 Technical Blogs
2 min readDec 26, 2019


Digital Marketing

Digital marketing in simple words can be defined as a marketing endeavor that uses an electronic gadget. First popularized as a term sometime around the 2000s, the term “Digital Marketing” has been in use way longer than that, about 100 years longer. Guglielmo Marconi was the first person to demonstrate a “Public Transmission of Wireless Signals” in the year 1896. We can go ahead with digital marketing in both online and offline forms and both kinds matter for a well-planned strategy. From the website itself to a business’s online branding assets — digital advertising, email marketing, online brochures, and beyond — there’s a spectrum of tactics that fall under the umbrella of “digital marketing.”The best digital team has a clear picture of how each campaign aids its overall goals. Depending on the goals, marketers support a larger campaign also, through paid or organic channels at their disposal.
As easy as it sounds, digital marketing isn’t a cakewalk! Below here is a list of a few examples of digital marketing:
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
2. Content Marketing
3. Social Media Marketing
4. Pay Per Click (PPC)
5. Affiliate Marketing
6. Native Advertising
7. Marketing Automation
8. Email Marketing
9. Online PR
10. Inbound Marketing
The major task of a digital marketer is to create brand awareness and lead generation through digital channels (both, paid and unpaid). These channels include social media, the company’s website, search engine rankings, email, display advertising, and the company’s blog. The digital marketer focuses on different key performance indicators (KPI) for each platform so they can analyze the company’s performance across each platform and accordingly, plan further strategies. With technology becoming more and more sophisticated and with the advancement in machine learning and artificial intelligence, digital marketing is expected to grow further with advancing and even more creative strategies.

