5 timeless signals of agility that drive buyer satisfaction [NPS]

Vidhya Abhijith
codewave technologies
3 min readMay 10, 2020

In an Agile world, that demands delivering the new in the now — can businesses be agile to the speed of thought?

Customer Satisfaction [NPS] demands a new definition, with transparency, empathy & agility central to shared trust, safety & satisfaction.

Buyer satisfaction over a journey (of value exchange), can be observed as a continuous stream of signals observed over time, which at any given point in time — represents a fusion of multiple aspects of leadership culminating into “Agility” in the moment.

NPS as a continuous stream of “agility” indicators

Demand — Supply relationship among two interdependent beings (symbiotic individuals/teams/organizations) at any given point, can be broadly assessed by observing the level of shared trust, safety, transparency, value exchange, empathy & agility.

A business devises a survival strategy (of continuous value creation) & disruption strategy (of continuous reinvention) that is often revealed in how it sustains a relationship / journey of value exchange, demanding agility in the moment.

Here are 5 (timeless) buyer satisfaction signals, that may help a business sense unspoken needs & maximize value, at every moment of opportunity:


Did the (supply) team demonstrate commitment to consistently deliver value as predicted / planned? Did individuals demonstrate high situational awareness & attention to detail, to embrace the new & serve the need in the now? #Dependability


Did the (supply) team demonstrate immediacy to respond to open questions / unresolved dependencies? Did individuals demonstrate high proactiveness & capability, to gain greater clarity of the new & simplicity in the now? #Competence


Did the (supply) team demonstrate agility to change thought process when faced with new information? Did individuals demonstrate high willingness & flexibility, in (unlearning and) learning a new method to solve the problem in the now? #Ownership


Did the (supply) team demonstrate openness to share information on work progress, new opportunities / risks? Did individuals demonstrate high authenticity & comfort, in handling moments of truth, acknowledging unknown unknowns and reassuring safety in the now?


Did the (supply) team demonstrate equal consideration and listened to everyone’s fears / aspirations alike? Did individuals demonstrate high openness to diverse perspectives, see an opportunity to find the most optimal answer, in the now?

Is this only applicable for the supply — side?

All of the above 5 aspects of an agile mind, are universal and applicable to both demand and supply teams, serving each other through continuous value exchange. The collective agility of both the buyer & supplier impacts the overall disruption quotient of the co-created outcome.

Codewave was founded in 2013, to create an environment of radical transparency, empathy and peer comfort — helping individuals to go on a fearless adventure of knowing what to do, when no-one’s there telling what to do. We continue to be a living, social experiment open to individuals / families / societies / organizations finding self sustainable alternatives to work. We’re thankful to everyone on our journey so far, to have shaped us to be who we are, stay true to our experiment and to who we aspire to become.



Vidhya Abhijith
codewave technologies

My Why: Creating A Social Model Foundational To Raising Human Consciousness Through Business