Story of how we came up with a name for our company.

What does the name codewave mean?

Vidhya Abhijith
codewave technologies
2 min readApr 7, 2022


In 2013, when we were ideating on choosing a name for the company, we were trying hard to think of names that were quirky & timeless.

After hours of thinking, the list of names we came up with still didn’t seem convincing enough. Some went straight to the gut, but didn’t hit us subliminally.

We wondered why.
Maybe we were “trying hard” to find something timeless.

Instead — all we had to do was remember two things we loved & would never regret.

Instantly popped the answer:

1) Coding & 2)Beach

The words code & wave emerged from the things we loved & would never regret. On the journey, the name “codewave” did more to us than what it did when we first coined it.

Everytime we read the name, it seemed to unfold an intriguing, profound meaning. We couldn’t resist feeling stretched & would end up wondering what’s that ultimate, elegant code that governs all of reality, universe and life itself!

And the name seemed to scream back at us:

“The code to reality is in the wave.”

“The code to life is in the wave.”

Codewave may not be the fanciest name in history. But it stimulates us to stay curious to keep hacking the code to reality. Keep hacking the ultimate code to life, that makes us one.

And for all we know, the code isn’t hidden.

It is in the wave function of all matter all around us, right now.

Vidhya & Abhijith



Vidhya Abhijith
codewave technologies

My Why: Creating A Social Model Foundational To Raising Human Consciousness Through Business