What are the phases of the Data Analysis Life Cycle?

What are the phases of the Data Analysis Life Cycle?

Data Journal: Data Analysis Life Cycles Visual Guide

Code with Corgis
Code with Corgis
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2021


Dear 👋💻🌎 Data World,


✧・゚:* CUTE(◕‿◕✿) and INFORMATIVEᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ!!!

Data Analysis Life Cycle: the process of going from data to decision.

Welcome to our data journal and below is what we learn from my journey towards data.

Data Analysis Life Cycle: The process of going from data to decision.

Hope you enjoy the 6 phases that we learn about in the Data Analysis Life Cycle:

1.Ask questions and define the problem.

Business Challenge/Objective/Question

Ask questions and define the problem.

2. Prepare: data by collecting and storing the information.

Data generation, collection, storage and data management

Prepare data collecting and storing the information.

3. Process: data by cleaning and checking the information.

Data cleaning/data integrity

Process data by cleaning and checking the information.

4. Analyze: data to find patterns, relationships, and trends.

Data exploration, visualization, and analysis

Analyze data to find patterns, relationships, and trends.

5. Share: data with your audience

Communicating and interpreting results

Share: data with your audience

6. Act: on the data and use the analysis results.

Putting your insights to work to solve the problem

Act: on the data and use the analysis results.

Thank you for reading my Data Journal ❤ ,

Kody the Coding Corgi & Bits the Adorable A.I.


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[1]: Google (March 23, 2021). Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/google-data-analytics



Code with Corgis
Code with Corgis

🍑 We make CODING CUTE(◕‿◕✿) and INFORMATIVEᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ!